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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. That's the only time these girls can function is when drunk or stoned.
  2. She never even made a month on her previous stay. May be a safe bet. 🤣🤣
  3. When they return she'll be getting the ying up her yang.
  4. And max out his credit card in the meantime for the fun evening.
  5. It never stated the info was from within the apartment that I could see at that time but I'll go back and have another look at it. Not every post that gets removed is deleted, they're just placed in a hidden state where they can be brought back if needed within a certain time frame.
  6. She's back. She changes her mind faster then she changes her underwear's.
  7. Now only listed as Queen.
  8. As long as its stated from inside the apartment people can post what's said.
  9. As long as the post states the information was obtained from within the apartment then she or he won't have any problems with the post. If it doesn't then I have no way of knowing how the information was obtained. Any information from Social Media Accounts is prohibited.
  10. If it's mentioned from within the walls of the apartment then things can be posted. When a post is made just state at the beginning of the post the information is from within the apartment. If it's not mentioned as such then I have to take that it came from some other means and have to delete the post.
  11. There's only one queen and she died of old age. Charles had to clean out her bedroom.
  12. She played the part of Volantene Whore on The Game of Thrones.
  13. Paul lacks testicular fortitude. He's never gave her a good banging the whole time they've been together.
  14. Telling her Lialia is on the sofa and if she pukes then Margo has the honors to clean the mess.
  15. He better make sure a barf bucket is close by, she'll be needing it.
  16. Now she'll go back to the bottom of the RLC barrel waiting for the claw machine to grab her again as the next tenant.
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