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Everything posted by jc1861791

  1. with megan being sexual with the girls in general,maybe they will start to be more sexual with each other in the future.anyway,good show girls,,,,,,,,,LOVE YOU MEGAN,good night
  2. i know, when have you ever seen elly like this? or any kind of way,megan is an old school RLC girl. and she knows how lo ignite these girls,and thats what she is trying to do,as long as she is around,im sure that all the girls will get better at being RLC girls.
  3. all the girls cant be like megan,rose or belle,give the girls a chance.
  4. why?she is trying,this is the most involved that she has been since she arrived.thanks to megan
  5. these 4 girls party together,and mila most of the times ,party with mary and bridget,but not tonight.mary and bridget partied alone.
  6. as far as mila is concerned,she hasnt been the same since she and alexa came back from that date a few nights ago.
  7. i see that megan is the new queen bee in b4,the new take charge,kind of girl. i like her.
  8. thats all he has,is his drinking.he has been there 24 hours,and his so called girlfriend,wont have sex with him.does anybody else think thats strange?
  9. if you have instant replay,on the 15th at 14:48 mila at the pool topless as she often is. if not,i could send you a link,just to prove my point.and not that it really matters,because it is what it is. and nothing is going to change that
  10. well at least im glad about one thing,jm not walking around mad anymore,i cant be mad at RLC anymore because i understand the big picture.i always knew they didnt give a shit about us,but i could never figure out why.we are secondary.always were,and always will be.if you understand that ,and still want to be a member,then have at it.pay your fees, and dont complain.
  11. whats up harley?you know what?call me slow or dumb or what ever you like,but im finally putting the pieces togetheras to what RLC and b4 is all about.its all becoming as clear as a bell.you knew all along!!!!
  12. well emmett,that actual makes more sence, than RLC deliberately shitting on thier paying members the way they do
  13. exactly,legrandrobert my membership ends tomorrow and im definately not renewing.members just dont get it,for example>>>>>>right now,when have you ever seen mila at the pool,with a top on?she is always topless,NOT TODAY,thanks to the guy being there,girls cant be themselves, members ere the ones that euffer.
  14. nothings going to happen there.seen enough of this at b4. but d2 has taken it to another level, give them credit
  15. thats what im afraid of.RLC a history,they are not satisfied when things are going well
  16. you got that right!!!b4 making a bit of a comeback.mila doing really well,trying really hard in the last couple of weerks on being a RLC girl.kind of remind me of belle,with the bed yoga and stuff.and marta has already shown that she is nolt shy.so there is potential in this group of honeys,imo all that is needed,is for RLC to keep the house guy free,and let the girls grow.
  17. if it is,when my fees are due again,i think on thr 22nd......im not going to renew.im tired of this shit.and im not going to put up with it any longer.the girls, even though they are kind of greern and dont know just yet how to be a RLC girl, they are still worth 75 dollars a month,to me.but it will be a cold day in hell before i cough up 75 dollars to watch a guy every fucking day,in order to get a glimps of the girls,so no more posts between now and the 22nd because i have said everything i had to say about this bullshit that RLC is pulling
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