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Everything posted by jc1861791

  1. its not the girls thats bringing the guys in and giving them extended stays, its RLC.
  2. i didnt get my wish yet.I WISH HE NEVER COMES BACK!!!!!
  3. thats the night im talking about,rose was responsable for both of those nights.dont you miss rosie and belle?
  4. its true the girls never go out after rose left.the girls never do anything after belle and rose left,they were leaders.i can remember on not one,but two ocassions where rose took the b4 girls over to b2 apartment to show the b2 girls how to have an all girl orgy.do you remember that?the girls we have now have good bodies,and they are beautiful,but all they want to do is stay in their room,bate,play with their phone.........stay in their room,bate,play with their phone.they are about as boring as a box of rocks
  5. how could they think the customer wants to see that?if they wanted to see that,they would click on couples.no, i dont think thats the reason.they know we dont want to see that here at girls on vacation site,by all the complaints. there has to be another reason that they keep doing this.
  6. i understand that but how do you explain the way they treat us ,the paying customer they treat us like dirt.never mind about who thney are and who the girls know.what about us?and just what is it that they are trying to accomplish by moving guys into the girls apartment?
  7. i know you mean well,and a lot of what you are saying is true,i went thru this before.the very first time they did this,wirh jasmin bf.i was outraged and so were about 90% of the girls on vacation fans.there were hundreds and hundreds of posts of disaproval that week.i even called sega pay and canceled my membership.even though RLC knew how the members felt.they did nothing.after all the comotion was over and things settled down,and after putting up with the guy for TWO MORE WEEKS,they finally sent the guy home.THEY KNOW HOW THE MEMBERS FEEL ABOUT GUYS LIVING AT WHAT SUPOSE TO BE AN ALL GIRL HOUSE.but what did they do?they had guys live there long term twice again since then.so its obvious that they dont care about us.they dont even care about the girls either.just think about what they are going through.having strange guys coming to live with them for long periods of time.im sure they werre told,they would be living with other girls too.
  8. l would complain everyday if i thought it would help.but the fact is,RLC dont care about what we want.they just keep doing stupid shit.and we ,the paying customers are the ones who suffers.
  9. anastasila,very pretty.she love her wine.she looks a cross between blair and amina.
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