I think it could've been VK. And Sid may have just checked the laptop and the history. They cannot get along well with each other. Either loud or absolute silence.
EM .... show him what you can do !!!! You also did it when SID was out of the house for an hour. Stop the cartoon and go back to the chat while Sid sits in the chair and can watch you. At least that's what you could do for us
Sid ... what are you doing? Are you reading CC? Em .... you make such a facial expression as if you had been caught again? Is that the reason why it's still more quiet between you than usual?
It looks very spontaneous but I think it was planned. She holds her phone in a straight line so that she can take a picture of her ass (for her Chat-Partner) while she turns ..... without anyone noticing. Phone and butt stay in position for a short moment, then she keeps turning.
When was the last time they took a shower? I've not seen anyone with wet hair for a long time. And ..... when will Em change her shirt. She's been wearing it since 18.03. days and nights. I'm not surprised that Sid + Em are not getting very close anymore. Now I realized why nobody visits them. It smells unpleasantly in their apartment.
But ..... it was Em who ordered Bob into the camera-free zone on the loggia in the guest room, while Sid was lying on the coch. Bob originally wanted to smoke at loggia in the LR. Am I wrong ? Post this picture when Em shows Bob to come with her to the other Loggia.
Sid certainly knows more than us. Maybe even where Em disappeared with Bob and why she came back with a cold after her few-days-trip. He needs time to let her get back to him.
He punishes her for what she has done. Hopefully he does not punish too long, otherwise the shot goes backwards. He may also be disgusted for always thinking of Em's action with Bob and Logan. By the way: Logan, doesn't he looks like Robert Pattinson sometimes?
If Em and Sid go to another apartment together, it should be a log cabin in the wilderness without w-lan. They would have to chop wood to keep it warm, plant vegetables, lettuce and potatoes, pick fruit to eat healthily. At the end of the day, they would fall exhausted into bed and have no desire for sex anyway. A head-camera would be good to watch outside, especially when EM is on a trip again to "visit her parents. ;-)
I agree. The relationship is on the edge, but no one dares to say it. Everyone is waiting for the other one to do it. Maybe the end in the house is already decided and they just want to kill time. So many maybe's.