Poor Misty has been slaving away topless in the kitchen, then has to out on the loggia, climb up to adjust the camera angle, go back to the kitchen while the camera 4 (loggia) swings back to it's incorrect angle again. A woman's work is never done.😔
Rachel and Sis had a nice time together in the bathtub earlier as well as few times working each over on the bed while Tim and Zoi were in the living room.
Only just logged across this apartment awhile ago, not sure who are the two lovely ladies having it off in the bedroom, but they certainly keep on the move, jumping about. Never giving themselves time to enjoy the moment.
Lexy and Pete out on the loggia having a smoko, discussing the night's event and where it went off the rails. What can we do to get it back on the rails. Did getting the boys dress in women's sexy underwear a turn off, should Lexy and Lisa have a love in might which would get Ruby interested? Should we have Ruby sit on Grant's dick earlier on. Will try better tomorrow night.
They are the ideal couple, share themselves around with others, enjoy themselves, sometimes a little green eyes pop up but they always come back to each others arms.