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Posts posted by charliefoxx69

  1. 5 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

    i dont think anyone cares when he is coming back

    When placing a couple in B4 RLC should have chose Amanda and Pablo. Very cool couple that everyone enjoyed watching. Some complain about B but he does a lot of work around the Villa and is always willing to help get things done.

    As for their relationship N & B well.. thats special.

    B & N have been around RLC for a long while, I believe if the pandemic had not happened we would not see them except maybe as guests like before. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    LOL I wish I would have read this before my last reply to you.....sorry, I have a lot going on in my life right now and it doesn't take much to set me off.

    I'm doing OK all things considered but that will change in the not to distant future and then I will be a total wreck.  I haven't done the 2 step in quite sometime but I'm always willing to teach others if need be.

    How have you been doing Charlie?  Is everything going well in your world?

    Fine, other than reading the bs you right here. What a pain in the ass you still are!! Some things never change. :)

    I am well 😌 as can be.

  3. 2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    LMAO, I won't stop with what I think/believe, right or wrong so deal with it or put me on ignore.....I don't care!!

    Please enlighten me on this turning out to be a lot more than I think!!

    Its early in this gathering and all are topless including Viv, Tesla is naked ...Amira is more animated than usual...but you just want the play by play. I'd say just watch but you "claim" not to.

    Loud and wrong is you claim to fame.


  4. 1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    LMAO the babysitters have arrived.......pathetic!!

    Harley. Stop your crap man. You always see things the wrong way.

    4 peas in a pod.

    Amira and Monica are close just like T & E.

    Your constant negatively is tiresome and has been especially for someone who claims they don't subscribe to RLC.

    You guess, speculate, hypothesize...and mostly are always wrong.

    This may turn out to be a lot more than YOU think.

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  5. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:

    Nicely said , very strange that she’s into “ hard “ stuff but she backed off at the repeated playful attempts a couple of days ago of both Tesla and Elian , which were for sure just for fun and smiley mood .. perhaps with Pam next to her she feels comfortable and “ safe “ .. 

    That's it.

    You hit the nail on the head.

    They're friends, close. Her reaction to the newbies in B4 is and was warranted they had grabbed her in the kitchen, then followed her to the bathroom well before what happened pool side.

    Besides, she is an adult and can make her own decisions.

    So, if she does this with  Pam she wants to.

    I like that she is passive aggressive, but thoughtful, caring respectful.

    She reminds me of a very young Scarlet Johansson, same body, eyes, w/o make up.

    It takes time for people to become acclimated to RLC life. Perfect example. Amira who came in was besties with Serafirma until Sera shit on her. She came into her own only after she got away from her. We are all grateful for that.

    She was like so many that have come through RLC quiet reserved, a wallflower. Look at her now, the evoltion was remarkable, Lorraine needed assistance from Blair. 

    My point is that it takes time to fall into what becomes a level of comfort and freedom that each girl enjoys here..

    Radi exercises and bates a lot..at first it was just exercise, now its bate before sleep at night and first thing in the morning, mid morning, midday ...you get the point.

    Vivian is beautiful. I bet she will surprise many as time goes on.


  6. Vivian and T in the kitchen having a great conversation, laughing smiling.

    In the moment, she was upset yesterday because the grabbed her in the kitchen, followed her to the bathroom and when she put on her swimwear and joined them more grabbing.

    She recorded those moments and has watched it several times.

    She likes both girls. Especially T, I think she in a way reminds her of her bestie Pam.

    This will be a new starting point for them.

    Forgiven not forgotten.


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  7. 2 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

    yeah obviously too Real for you...  I don't judge these girls for this moment in their lives .. people make mistakes probably even you and or your daughters will...  it is a wild and crazy day in the life ... I've had a few and I am a loving , caring, empathetic (why I am defending them in this brief moment ) very wise for living a big life and being fully engaged and aware of all things in and around my life ... I respect and believe in cause and effect and take responsibility for my shit.  I am enlightened and well above caring what  perverts visiting a porn voyeur site have to tell me what my life and opinions should be ... 

    So because I am sincere in what I am saying I this is too real. Okay you win.

    Been in the forum a while but watching since 2016, I remember some pretty epic things that have been streamed.

    I was being matter of fact, but understand it can come off like a sermon.

    Have a great weekend.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

    JEESH   the old if you had daughters line ...    not everyone is on the wisdom train...  some just want to derail the bugger ... and don't care what you all think.... but certain groups here are loosing their shit cause they have never had tough , hard core , uninhibited WOMEN partying harder than they are supposed to.. lmao

    a quote my friend uses    why go thru life to make an impression when you can make a dent !!! 

     these girls have just smashed the goody goody moralist and good living Christians and their how these people should live and behave types   here on the forum ...  and they are just partying , pushing limits and now they are rapists and they have to go... so funny 


    Common courtesy or respect don't matter anymore. It has nothing to do with religion.

    Basic human decency, which since before the pandemic some people choose to ignore.

    I have 2 daughters, I have a problem with anyone getting harassed or violated. I am so glad I am not wired like some.

    No respect for others personal space.

    The maid cleaned and straighted the penthouse yesterday and they destroyed it today.

    I digress.

    Your decisions are yours

    and all your decisions will bring you to where you are in life so if you find your arse in trouble 😉.

    It was your decision that lead you there.

    I have stayed away from this forum since my friend Cheeseburger passed. Now I remember why.


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  9. 3 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

    If they carry on like this when they're pissed we'll be saying au revoir...The little I can see live, Boggy isn't a happy little bunny rabbit right now...The girls have shown that they can be entertaining, and some might say a breath of fresh air, but they need to reel it in quite a bit...imo

    I could agree more sir. Long time, no time.

    These two are wild and crazy or both (yes, it's true) but there are certain things you don't do when living with others. They drink and smoke and fuck. Oops.

    They are loud and louder.

    Their youth exuberance to chase seconds of pleasure very evident.

    Here's the deal Nelly is getting the 411 on today's events.

    Telling I'm sure how scared he was that these girls kept putting their paradise in his face 😃 and how they pissed off Viv. He probably will leave out some of the juicer parts.

    What a BIG smile on Nelly's face.

    They are in the side room of the fitness room chatting 😃

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  10. 20 minutes ago, corvette84 said:

    I could care less about fake lesbian bullshit. I enjoyed it more when they pissed off Viv.

    That's a very callus and cavalier way of seeing things.

    You're empathy for others (Viv) is overwhelming.

    I don't know maybe you don't have children, a daughter or sister, nieces, close female friends?

    If this had happened to them and they called you upset 😡 you would probably hang up on them even though they have been violated.

    There are rules in life these two have not learned yet obviously.

    Courtesy, privacy are just the beginning.

    In a sober moment, T will again try to apologize and stay clear of Vivian when celebrating. In time, hopefully Viv will forgive her and they and we can all move on.

    Sad part, they actually were getting along well until.

    This will be a learning experience for all involved.


    becomes Knowledge

    Knowledge becomes Wisdom

    If you seek Understanding it can and will lead to Wisdom.

    Grow through life don't go through life.



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  11. 15 minutes ago, mspanker said:

    Viv putting stuff in a bag, probably given Pam a call to meet and back to B1


    She accepted their invitation but they have no right in basically violating her physically. Hence the tears and the extent to what she was upset.


    You never know the trauma some has been through.


    Being playful is one thing touching someone that doesn't want that is inappropriate and disrespectful.

    Especially for someone who you hardly know.

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