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Posts posted by charliefoxx69

  1. 1 minute ago, Noldus said:

    1334 Holly left B4 with her suitcase after 256 days  376 in total on RLC (same as the twins)

    Goodbye Holly  - take care - CU 😉


    Probably the most popular and unique girl that has ever walked  through the doors RLC, whether alone dancing or exercising or hanging in with the crowd.

    Beautiful, sexy, a modern chic fashionista, funny and yet with a quiet reserve at times of a woman much older than the girl you are.

    Thank you for the memories Miss Holly,

    be well, safe travels. 

    Beijos amor.

    Te amo muito.



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  2. 1 hour ago, Noldus said:

    0907 Megan left B4 with all her luggage after 256 days - 492 in total on RLC

    Goodbye Megan, take care and all the best

    and welcome back 😉


    Thanks Megan, you are always a pleasure to watch. The cook and cleaner, party organizer. The pandemic has kept you and others with us longer than planned but you like always adjusted your sails and moving forward.

    Kind, thoughtful,  generous, creative and fun loving.

    Nights with Holly or days with Ariana and friend or corpo mentor to others.

    Travel safe and best wishes.



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  3. HEY...We have enough going on in the world without someone speaking badly about guests.

    I am happy that the RLC family (all) re safe and wish them well. Just as I do for all of you.

    Rumors of my demise, were just that. I have chosen to sit on the sidelines because the negativity of some here is unending and ridiculous.

    with that said, stay safe.

    Take care.




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  4. Just now, SierraTM said:

    Yes as I said some time, she does not fit into the dynamics of B4 and really does do anything much with the 'more adventurous' B4 girls.

    Maybe Sofie & Naomi might loosen her up a little but I think it will be difficult.

    I don't have much anticipation for her from the start so not surprised she is a disappointment so far.

    Do you ever day anything positive about anyone of these girls? You have to continue with your negativity.

    I guess it serves you well.

    Why even comment again in this regard? I know. Because you can. It's your prerogative.

    So a smart, attractive girl who doesn't fall into the same morass as a Damira or Amalia is not your cup of tea. "Dynamics of B4"..Really. 

    We get it. We ALL get it.

    Para. Please.

    Ask Damira what "Para" means...

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  5. My favorite girl Fiby is packing to leave.

    She has been the best girl (in my opinion) I have ever seen on RLC, independent, fun more than sexy, smart..loves to learn.

    Reading and study time with her has been exciting.

    She has been a woman and is still a beautiful girl.

    I hope she gets some sleep, I will remember her dancing and singing in the middle of the night, the fun she had with the other girls and her playing around with Damira.

    This summer has gone by quickly.

    Thank you Fiby for all, I didn't think I would fall in love this summer but I did with you. 

    My hope is that we may see you again but I doubt it.

    You take care of yourself.

    Beijos, safe travels, and best wishes always.


  6. It's been a while since you heard from me but I had to chime in I think this has turned out to be a pretty hot summer in Barcelona. Fiby is fabulous, Sara is sexy, Damira is dangerous,Annabelle is amazing, Debby is more than delightful, Megan is her marvelous self...Belle is..wide open as always..Naomi, Sofie and Stella..and Numi the dancer..have been a pleasure to see. 

    On a personal note it's my birthday week and so cheers to me and you other forum fans of RLC!!

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