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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. So if I were to follow your logic he's getting it in with all of them or some of them? How uncomfortable would that be for all? Those not or those who according to to you are? They all get along with him, yes some more than others but it means squat. Truly. If there was a falling out amongst them because of said interaction.. it wouldn't be good. He has to work in and around them. He is a lucky one to get to see them up close that's about it.
  2. You truly don't believe that. It's sounds great but. No. He works for RLC. We've seen him dropping off supplies to different apts.
  3. We disagree. Cool. They were home yesterday. Went out the day before. It's summer and even with the new imposed restrictions they are going out as much as possible. They are not in lockdown, like we had before. I think most people have the idea that Fior is doing more than driving them to and from. He's (in my opinion)not. He'd probably like to, but other than dropping them off and picking them up there's no reason for him to be with them. I have stayed in luxury spots and be usually don't hang there. I will find the local dew drop inn and taste the local flavor it's usually a lot more enjoyable.
  4. So there just supposed to stay indoors all day everyday? Do you? No you don't. They can shop go to the beach, do other things, they are adults. This is their home away from home. He's their shuttle van driver. It beats them having to ride the bus .
  5. You truly don't get it. No one cares what you think 🤔 @HarleyFatboy Shut up and find something else to do. This is not a compliment or and invite for you to respond other than to be a person of your word and leave like you were so many times before. It's call self-awareness Harley. Look in the mirror dude 🤣 and talk to him..oh that's right he won't listen either.
  6. Watching Vivian lay in her bed is a pure delight. Damn she is so wonderful to gaze upon.
  7. Being topless for some is like wearing shoes. It's optional. And it's 85° too.
  8. I said it before our beautiful Radi likes it at B4 with the pool and big backyard, fitness center, somewhere to spread her wings and be herself. I watched her the last couple of visits and she loves the outdoors and is very comfortable here. It's nice to see her enjoy her freedom. She is so very beautiful. Holly's old room is a perfect spot for her.
  9. Radi is just visiting with Bog's Assistant. He works for RLC, they seem to get a long fine maybe from the same area. He's much older, this is like Carlos, Radi is a girl who is capable of having male friends who are just that. If she wanted more she would just go for it.
  10. I didn't realize they were extensions. Good eye on your part. I don't like the shorter look.
  11. Am I the only one upset about Vivian cutting off all her hair? Damn...
  12. Tesla was rubbing her pussy moments ago and young Mr Uber was too busy looking at his phone to notice...
  13. I see the maid came to have coffee and a smoke with Nelly. Every time she comes instead of cleaning she sits on her ass for 30 minutes and chills with Nelly or Bog or both. I said it before, if she feels that comfortable why doesn't she just bring a suit and get in the pool too? Besides she can't clean worth a damn either.. The girls clean better than she does and she spends a couple of hours doing it. This type of engagement with guests never happened before with the other lady, she was polite,quiet, cleaned and then left... my negativity isn't about her personally, but I don't show up for work and immediately sit and have a coffee break.
  14. Says the man who's Mom had to tie a porkchop 🥩 around his neck to get their pet dog to play with him. @HarleyFatboy
  15. When they were doing the lapdance thing. The young Uber Eats guy went directly after Tesla not his Nan and rubbed himself against her instead of the girl he wants. So when Mr Muscle was rubbing himself against Nan(which she enjoyed alot) her guy was with Tesla.
  16. Yes. But she won't touch him back. He's fondled her before like this.
  17. For Tesla, yes. But Nan's not going to give this guy anything more than a goodnight kiss. No matter hard he tries.
  18. This is what I mean about young Mr Uber Eats (his job). He was basically touching Nan's pussy and now he's just giving her a massage. Meanwhile Mr Muscles is about to eat Tesla out
  19. Mr Uber Eats is a hanger on.... he has no game and thinks if he just hangs in there long enough....
  20. Seeing Tesla near Vivian reminds me of how attracted she was to her from the start and she wants to touch her like we do. Today when Vivian was laying on her bed she couldn't be happier to be with her. I think its ironic, especially since they had such a rocky start to their relationship. There's a part of Vivian that is not Tesla and vice versa. They both see it in each other.
  21. Uber Eats boy will not get any again. I bet any amount of money 💰 on it.
  22. All of Nan's training with Viv and Tes is paying off. She's learned a couple new moves.
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