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Posts posted by charliefoxx69

  1. When Emily, Angie and Sam are not here. They are working, earning money or truly on vacation.

    Like anyone else when they do they need to work on assignment in another city, RLC lists them as being on vacation.

    They do as they seem fit when they are here and leave a proxy in their place because they have that as part of their deal with RLC who steam live 24/7. 

    Complaining about that won't change they way they go about their business. 


  2. 2 hours ago, nadiuska said:

    Comunque in casa il clima è un po teso, Dick sembra nervoso. Probabilmente per come è andata con la piccolina che finalmente era in casa sola con lui e per qualcosa che sarà accaduto tra loro lontano da casa.... Jane è anche lei un pò strana, forse aspetta che pass il momentaccio...

    They seem okay, she's preparing lunch. Small talk. They went shopping for clothes it's seems for him maybe? Bag next to his backpack. He's in a relaxed mode on sofa.

  3.  If Jane packed, she isn't going far, they're gone but left dirty glasses out. Jane would have cleaned up, she always does.

    Katia is like many women knows how to get what she wants. Maybe they are both after something they can't find with other people.

    They obviously have a fun when they are playing around. Petting like 2 kids is high school. 

    If they just wanted to have sex they could do that anywhere at anytime, besides work we've seen Dick leave for days at a time. But my untrained eye says they have not had sex standing up or in the half bath, a blowjob yes, sex no. The time before last they were enhancing their pleasure with something. Most likely Molly (X). That morning the last time they emerged after the all night party he showered she did not, he got dressed cleaned up the kitchen and went to work.

    Then we see Katia stop by but Jane and Jewel are home, the 3 girls hang out, Jewel leaves, Dick comes home, Katia sleeps in guestroom and leaves the next day.

    Their other night before they had left with the male visitor Katia had already packed some of her things in a bag. She just wanted Dick to herself (again) and was angry that they were interrupted.

    To be continued.

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  4. 58 minutes ago, nadiuska said:

    Jane è rientrata, fatto doccia e via di nuovo.La sera arriva lei e poi anche Dick...praticamente si tollerano, poi a aletto dormono. La mattina dick si alza,ignora Janw, si lava e va a lavorare.!2.06 locali Jane a letto...

    Yes, they both went out and had their weekend freedom now it's back to reality.

    I wonder what Jane thought as she cleaned up the wine glasses from Dick's little party and saw that the bed was as they left it when they left for the weekend.

  5. 3 hours ago, happyone said:

    Evidently Asya was mad enough at Artem he gets to sleep on the couch

    She is a bully and he allows it. He bought her flowers and wine the other day after their big fight. The make up sex was ...just that.

    She continues to be pissed at him about every little thing. I don't think she even likes him at all. Not the way she has slapped him around.

    Now the your not welcome in our bedroom treatment...seriously??

    Hey dude grow a pair and leave this trainwreck.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Mikelima1970 said:

    i hope that friend's Smith this evening fuck kitty

    and i hope that kitty go all naked with high sexy shoes

    and i hope that Smith go to the bed now

    She doesn't want his fat ass. You should wish for something else like and end to world poverty or global warming, just to mix it up a bit Mikelima your high heels or fisting comments are tired. 


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  7. 2 minutes ago, xenontrioxide said:

    My sense is that she doesn't really like Dick very much. Body language....    She appeared to demure out of a similar potential foursome a few months ago by getting all sleepy. The others seemed visibly disappointed.

    Ms V can be a bit of a wafe at times, like Jane. That's why they get on so well. Jane likes to fuck, V is a romantic. So having Dick once would not be enough. 

    Now Katia she likes Dick a lot and he just pissed away a chance to feel that poonany around his member.

    What the hell is he thinking?

  8. 4 minutes ago, franklin said:

    Unbelievable - Dick has just agreed to go out with the visitor and asked Katia if she wanted to join them.  She was seriously - I mean, SERIOUSLY - pissed off.  Some sharp words exchanged at the bathroom door, and then Katia reluctantly agreed.  All three have just left...  This is an interesting evening.

    Dick does like his alcohol. That is fucked up.

    Excuse my language.

  9. 1 minute ago, xenontrioxide said:

    Swinger (while not prolific J and D ARE swingers) have an etiquette to keep things smooth. I think theirs in mutual permission. I think something went wrong last week. I think Dick, Jane and TKII would like a foursome with V but she keeps backing out. She blew him just to balance things.

    I doubt it Jane and V have been friends for a long time we have seen them together but I have (me) never seen her with V's man friends.

    V was supposed to be to out of it to wake up to finish what they started let alone blow when he came home. Something does not add up


  10. Just now, xenontrioxide said:

    Here's a theory: suppose J and D sometimes give each other "permission" for these extracurricular adventures. Maybe Jane IS somewhere else having it off with someone else, with Dick's full knowledge and permission. (my money is on a threesome with Miss V and TKII).

    You may be right, I saw her with V's hippie boyfriend alone in the bathroom this morning with a rye smile on her face, then Dick came in to take his shower V removed the bandage from his back. Later during Jane came in and half heartedly tried to give Dick a blowjob. They both got dressed and left before V and her BF. 

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