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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. CC Net problems. Seems like a hack or virus. example B1 topic and answers in B4 topic listed that way in notifications dropdown list at the top of the page and in Profile. Noldus. I know you probably saw this my reply to your B1 topic about D and Amina it showed up here in the B4 topic.
  2. Karla gone. Blew a kiss to the camera 3-9 on her way out. I know it was for me... Ciao Karla..
  3. Karla already said her goodbyes before going out with Deb. She will be gone before they wake up. Damn... I am still a newbie here but I have really enjoyed her very much. Be safe, best wishes and thank you Karla.
  4. To anyone declaring Leona a p star should ask themselves what they consider star status. P stars are very famous and have made hundreds of scenes in movies amd make big money. She is no star. Famous for a Game of Thrones shot and she is back here. Get real. Like I said let's enjoy the girl with fire in her hair without the labels.
  5. P..hub search with her stage name. Your welcome. Don't hurt yourself .
  6. Why can't we say professional model and leave it at that. Soft core is what they do here on RLC. Her girl/girl that I I saw is just dressed up, staged and shot with a better camera. Sound familiar. Let's just enjoy her. Can we do that ??
  7. I called it yesterday. This party with Amanda/Pablo and now Leona. I like it when I am right about something.
  8. So add 2 girls to an apartment with 3 already living there can be a bit challenging. There's a little less privacy. You see that play out already, earlier Danaya stayed behind to get her alone time. Amina in the kitchen today have not seen that since she baked cakes for her own birthday party at B2. New bonding for her an Dalia now too. They will survive it since this move is temporary.
  9. I think it may be different with this group of girls but with Anita as a spark plug...You never know.
  10. So this is seriously her BF? No. For how long? We know Karol and her BF have been together for a while. His visit is for 2 days. Mom's in the city too. Anita has been with every girl in B4 except Miranda plus Roxy on the side. She can have who and whatever she wants. So this is what she brings home. SMFH....
  11. Noldus gave us the news of her departure a couple days back Fagan and warned of Anita's mother visiting too.
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