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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Cheesy remember what I said about best legs last night? Look at Amira right now and tell me otherwise.
  2. She has spent a total of less than 10 hours at B4 since she arrived. She knows she would have to preform if she stays there.
  3. Maybe she was just warming something up. There is no microwave oven in B1. Crisis averted.
  4. Tell me Irma did not just use packing tape to hold her aluminum foil on her broiler pan before placing it in the oven? Who does this ? I have never seen this before, ever.
  5. I said it was a Ghost town. Dalia, Sera and Amira are out with the B1 girls. Except D. They left their things there. Won't be anyone here unless S&L show up and A &O return.
  6. When they return it seems Oksi left a gift for Lily on her side of the bed. B4 is a Ghost town.
  7. Irma drives we know, they can squeeze all those tasty treats into one vehicle?
  8. I told you that Cheesy. Dalia heard that by the way. 😁 So the plan for D/S/A is to spend the weekend with the B1 girls. If that the case why did they just not have last nights party at B1 if that is where they ended up anyway. Probably makes too much sense.
  9. Sera is naked under that night shirt. Saw her paradise....a minute ago. Wow.
  10. I vote for a "Legs" contest...tonight...to change things up. Who has the best legs in this group.? One vote. I will take Amira the newbie.
  11. Why would you think a bunch of half naked women in a room would have a sex party ?? You have gone "soft" in the head Cheesy. 😁 Not this crew, especially Sera/Amira. They will give us nothing. Unless the wine loosens up their inhibitions, which we know can and has happened with RLC girls. But I won't hold my breath.
  12. Cheesy One you are right Dalia loves Amina. But not in a you rub me, I'll rub you kinda way.
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