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Everything posted by Alladino

  1. I honestly haven't had much time to watch them. But one thing is beginning to stand out. Every guy who enters one of these GOV apartments is called a drug dealer or user. It's about time that there are more guys in this apartment, so that all this bad-mouthing finally stops. I do know Nothing About this guy, but not every guy enter one of this places is an asshole.
  2. The GOV concept just sucks. Every Girl RLC sends there either do Nothing or Ends up perform this silly pseudo lesbian shows. ๐Ÿ˜’ I understand that now and therefore I think the best solution would be to close GOV as fast as possible. These apartments are simply not a little realistic and do not give any insight into the private life of the residents. It is all just a meaningless imitation of chaturbate.
  3. It would be much better if the two show girls would pack their suitcases and finally move out.
  4. I think Italy is really coming along very well. First Tylor and Piper, Now more and more Masha Apartment with all the guests.
  5. You would not believe which residents are my favorites right now. Piper and Taylor without any guy but a real couple with real emotions. Anyway, what have you read about russia?
  6. What a detached point of view. If RLC only often enough presents shit as gold, this shit doesn't suddenly start to be worth something. There was a lot of good content in all the russian apartments and even now there are still some apartments that offer real content, just none of the GOV apartments. With this, It doesn't help when two most likely hetero girls perform a lesbian show that seems even less realistic than most porn someone can find in the Internet.
  7. This show with Ginger and Monica was exactly what I mean by pseudo lesbian. ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿ˜ฃ It is one of those events that would certainly never have taken place without the camera. Without any real attraction between the girls but with the sole purpose to earn money with as little effort as possible. The opposite of an insight into the private life of the girls and only gullible people like you see more than bullshit here. The problem with all these shows is that they make the real events impossible. If there would really be two girls in GOV who have a thing for each other, it will get lost in all the shows and bullshit events. Anyway, these two girls are show girls. They want to make as much money as possible without too much effort. A waste of time and Money.
  8. Frankly, I don't understand all these negative comments. With a resident like Aria, who really lives in Barcelona, RLC could finally open an apartment with more realistic content in this city. It's not like she spoils all the fun for the other girls in B1, if they ever decide to really do more there than just watch TV. It is the concept of the GOV apartments that does not work. We have seen that with Aria and ultimately almost all the other girls in these apartments. Wishing for the girls to stay as short as possible, hoping that a new girl will come by and really live for real at this apartments won't work. Only when RLC really commits to a group of girls and that would actually moves into an apartment, and not just visits it, there is hope for progress. Aira has shown in the past that she is quite open to the cameras. She has a nice personality and looks good too. Ultimately she could be the start of a new roommate apartment.
  9. What party, or do you mean the show the girls are putting on? Yes, guests are usually good, but it looks like she will just seamlessly participate in the show. So it's not 6 but 7 girls giving a silly show. ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿ˜’
  10. I really hope the girls bring their BF to the apartment. Once the show girls are gone, it could be a really good time.
  11. Yeah, I think you hit a crucial point here. Hours of nudity sessions with unnatural postures, always holding the genitals in the camera. The whole thing is just the opposite of realistic and do not fit the idea of RLC. All these shows have ruined RLC. First and foremost the group of girls who, although there is obviously no real interest, constantly pretend to be lesbian or bisexual. On the other hand, an insight into the private life of the residents is not automatically given when the shows are cancelled. It is important that the residents are really ready to continue living their lives in the GOV apartments. It makes no sense if the girls just kill time for two to four months and keep all really private activities out of the apartments. Where are the visitors, where the emotions the parties and the sex. Simply having a daily shower is really not a real insight into the private life. Where is this "genuine affection for each other in a non show like setting"? I hope you don't mean those thousand-time massage Shows, body painting shows or all those silly group bath show events. Lets face it, most girls in GOV are neither lesbian nor bi. They like guys and are sexually attracted to them. If we really want to see an insight into the private life of these girls, it means to see their acquaintances in the apartment. How absurd it is that RLC has 13 girls in GOV and for weeks we don't see a guy in this apartments.
  12. Sorry, I'm just not buying it. You're free to write what you want, but this seems pointless and wrong. I suspect that you watched RLC at least occasionally, if not continuously. It seems important to you to make others believe that this is not the case, but you make the whole thing so unbelievable that it is funny and entertaining, but not at all convincing. I like to discuss controversial points of view and so I actually gain something out if most discussion. But in the end it is important to discuss something that interests you. Otherwise, it is pointless and it's easy to get the impression that you only want to confuse things. BTW, If confusion the discussion is the source of your motivation, you may need to rethink your mindset.
  13. Give me a break with this bullshit. No one with a working brain here still believe that story. Maybe you really have quit now, but as soon as your mysterious Friend again start to tell you what happen in RLC, it is clear that you are in fact a customer again. Anyway, on the off chance that I'm wrong. What the hell are you doing here? If you haven't watched for ages and don't like anything on this site, then why are you here? I have at least some Apartments that I like to watch in RLC, even if it is only a small fraction now. You come here only to bullshit about something you know Nothing about for sure.
  14. This forum is about RLC. Not about what you think about the people watching RLC and paying for it. To claim here that RLC does well with the GOV concept is totally unproven. In fact, are there some hints (such as the page visits) that indicate the opposite. Even you won't say that GOV is a lot of fun and exciting to watch right now. I at least miss all the russian apartments (not even one year since the loss). Anyway, the GOV apartments lack real life, with real visitors and real relationships. That doesn't have to mean that guys have to move in here (although that probably wouldn't be such a bad idea). But as it is now, the whole thing is more than pointless. The past has shown that male visitors have a positive influence. That should make you think.
  15. The decisive difference is whether something really comes from the lives of the residents or is simply performed for the camera. It is not about keeping the genitals in the cameras as long as possible. The idea is to get an insight into the private life of the residents. All those silly pseudo-lesbian shows are definitely out of place there. Much more important would be that the girls' friends sometimes make it into the apartment. Where is the sense in it, if all private life takes place somewhere else and we get to see silly shows instead. GOV lacks real life with real relationships and real emotions.
  16. I hope you're wrong, but I don't have much hope either. It would be important that the Blair and Loraine move out quickly. I can't take these pseudo-lesbian shows anymore.
  17. It doesn't have to end the way it did with Kristy. Maybe they'll get some timely visits. But I too see the danger. All those damn shows. It's just sad.
  18. That would be even better. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘ It is important to finally break through this tragedy of 100% girls in this apartments. No more pseudo lesbian Shows please.
  19. Definitely better than Blair and Loraline putting on a show with masks. I can't wait to see them both move out.
  20. We can only hope to see both Girls be visited by there BFs. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘
  21. Well, someone was busy with the show program today. It can not get any more boring than that. ๐Ÿ˜’
  22. Well, I wouldn't say ugly, but she's certainly not good looking. ๐Ÿ˜ž Whatever, GOV is not worth a look at the Moment anyway. Not a single visit in over a month. ๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ˜ฃ
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