We have days until the weekend, I think she will manage to fuck with 3-4 people until then. Besides, this is her job, the more views she has, the more money she will get. The payment of the drunk photographer is pending.
Masha in many phone conversations that she had lately brought many times that she lost Alexander at a time when he probably needed various advice. He is one of the quality people we see in this apartment. And I estimate that he will support her in many efforts that she wants to make professionally and psychologically.
Ξέρει κάποιος αν είναι αυτές της μέρες το ολιγοήμερο ταξίδι τής Masha; Δεν αναφέρομαι για Barcelona. Επιδι την βλέπω τώρα να συμμαζευει κάποια πράγματα.