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Everything posted by hondarellas

  1. I imagine Sophia will be moving to the livingroom for a while. (a few days or a few hours). There is a great love here.🤥🖐💨🔃❌🐵🐒🐂
  2. When will the new electric double Mashas boyfriend start work ? 😋
  3. Maybe ze81 when the holidays are approaching we will have no special guests, for enjoyable moments and grazing in the greens (the days will be just like last year, which was riddled with spasms and hallucinations!)
  4. How nice that rlc residents exchange visits to Spain between them. I was now looking at Nelly, Bogdan, Piper and Taylor who is now visiting GOV 2, and I thought how isolated and orphaned the Italian apartment is. Nelly was out on the balcony with Bogdan and talking to Masha on the phone.
  5. Maybe if last night, the dark or the blond boy, put her a vaccine she would be fine now!
  6. She's sick ,Someone was talking on the phone and explaining that something was on the nose and forehead.
  7. I at least saw some time to receive the obvious merchandise. You can look and tie up their Christmas party last year to see how ridiculous and at the same time disgusting they turned out to be. You are not just pretending to say that they are of no use, your right to say what you want.
  8. Tonight is only for tattoos! You offer absolutely nothing else!
  9. Maybe they went out a bit to get "a dose of happiness and come back"
  10. What do you expect ze81 from them, once we know people are addicted, how will they get their dose? And otherwise we expect to see some quality from them. 🤮
  11. So in this apartment, yoga also did Sasha, Dasha have it as a tradition! Also their narrow mind does not allow them to think of anything else!🤯
  12. Now that Masha doesn't have a lot of expenses (to pay escort men) they have and money for often massages!
  13. Yeah that's what I believe, and it's happening now that they've turned it into a gov. RLC got the apartment back a year, where Masha quarreled with Sasha and Dasha where the apartment became boring and monotonous.
  14. The dark dealer I saw was about May - June where she handed Masha in front of the camera pointing towards the aisle, and she gave it just below the camera
  15. In quel particolare giorno abbiamo scritto magro, e secondo, e che camma era, ma solo tu balsa non volevi vederlo e crederci.
  16. Unfortunately we saw many by mistake, even of the careless dealer who didn't know about the camera that was above him at the time he gave them.
  17. It's a shame, whatever the reason, the drugs, the love frustration. She's a very frivolous girl. All this for the money, so long ago it changed so many sex partners as if it were ........! who did it again for the money. This girl has so many talents but she seems to prefer money, and she prefers to be humiliated.
  18. Tonight you will be attending bathroom masturbating show? (I no longer get to see them and just go in a little bit to see if there will be any sex with a man or woman)
  19. Masha seems to be a frivolous person and generally has to take care of her life, because she is a shame.
  20. Masha than I can see as she leaves Sophia alone for hours (and she does very well). I hope we don't get to last year's boring Mashas masturbating shows, which while we knew there was a prospective erotic life outside the apartment, we were seeing the same boring things. I would rather see Masha alone in this apartment with her regular changes of partners, men and women rather than a copy of the gov.🤔
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