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Everything posted by hondarellas

  1. They will be exhausted and tonight with ruthless sex !πŸ˜‘πŸ˜΄πŸ˜«πŸ€πŸ€‘
  2. They bought a lot of new things for the apartment. She seems to have made a lot of money from her former clients!
  3. With the behavior of both it seems to be more related than anything else
  4. Masha very modest with this boy, even in yoga was with clothes. It seems this young boy's mission is some other, not sex this time around.
  5. Maybe Masha is waiting for Jane & Dick and the young man is a part of a 4some.
  6. She bought it or they could give it to him as an offer along with shopping.🀣
  7. Very strange things happen. a) Masha did a masturbate show just before this boy appeared. b) When the boy arrived they were seated for food and wine and were very far away from each other. c) Masha is in bed with this boy, she is wearing her lingerie and not raping the boy. Very strange things happen.
  8. She seems to be very much in love with him. Maybe she's the man of her life. There is great love. (Where did she buy it?) πŸ™ƒπŸ˜ΆπŸ€”πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜Ž
  9. Damn and Masha time to get out a bit. One will find to bring her to love her and live a great love (fuck for a while).
  10. With various nonsense she thinks fills her hours!
  11. Maybe Masha might be pregnant! Only if the baby turns dark will we be sure who the father is! πŸ˜€πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€”πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‹
  12. 05:50 Jane prepares to leave, Masha opens the safebox and gives some money to Jane, tight kisses and Jane leaves.
  13. I hoped that after she said she was bisexual and after seeing her change so many male erotic companions we would see her in the bisexual phase with some more pleasant and dearer person than with Jane. Jane and Dick have closed their circle for me, and I hope we don't see them again, equal to the act of showing them even more disgusting !
  14. Is the long candle in the bathroom for lighting or to put it somewhere else?
  15. It's something we've been counting on. We learned all of her moves. It seems like recycling (rubbish)is just starting again!
  16. Last Thursday night Masha did manicure & bedicur the next day she shaved her pussy and then the client arrived (big love). So far we are in manicure. It would be nice to see her sometime in fmm -fmmm I don't think she has a problem with that!
  17. If you put on cam 1 the white one is sleeping on the chair in the rays of the sun.
  18. I have a feeling that Masha is waiting for somebody . I hope they aren't the ones I think and my instincts disprove me. The worst case scenario is to start repeating!
  19. This guy is the one who did the disinfection and a few days ago, again came up with equipment. Two nights ago Masha was talking to a man in Russian (I think Dick).
  20. The destroyer is back! Another 1-2 days under maintenance. Masha's chance to go out looking for new sex customers (lovers for very strong love)!πŸ˜‹
  21. Masha picks up cat accessories again. What prepares us this time?
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