Generally you seem is low efficiency in all apartments . We do not know if RLC tries to maintain apartments in what economic costs . I will not forget of voices and anger that had last night in the apartment Sasha while talking on the phone. Not wait to see the tumbling of the RLC because it already reached the bottom.
This apartment would be gouged together a song . For example :
Lyrics: Dasha
Music: Sasha
Interpretation: Masha
Production mananger: Mother (Mashas)
Cleaning -Scene:
NewBlond Guest (just for them does)
Κατά την προετοιμασία τής εξόδου Dasha & Sasha ήταν πολλοί αυτοί που έλεγαν οτι το διαμέρισμα θα πάρει ανοδική πορία με την έξοδο τούς. Δυστυχώς έγινε ακριβός το αντίθετο. Είναι ότι ποιό χειρότερο και καταθλιπτικό υπάρχει στην RLC !
Rightly he says ze81! Let us go and Masha and let apartment close . RLC eventually lost the game with Italian apartment, and I see that it can not find quality and attractive people's to put in apartments. A thousand times better lived Dasha & Sasha and Masha was leaving. Once Masha has so many obligations and is then out and can not provide RLC should proceed to untie. My friend ze81 to say these days, but unfortunately no one to hear. Pity. RLC has finally arrived and the bottom.
the world pays thieves (RLC) to see a spectacle, to see Masha not her mother. Why don't they at least tell when he'll be back?
Unfortunately they started from very high and fell too low, they seem to be closing. Apart from the various girls masturbating in some apartments, the sex that the rest of them are promoting is measured.
No !I wish it was! Let's finally see something in this apartment!
is another regular boy on vacation in this apartment, he was there two days ago with his girlfriend. It is the couple who were holidaying there at Christmas where the infamous party with the caresses of everyone was caressing each other.
What I noticed from my friend ze81 is that she did a rigorous screening and threw out many old and useless items for her. Make it to make it easy for her to leave later.