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Everything posted by chuck206

  1. The guy is trying to eat, probably watching TV, and Martina is going on and on about what a wonderful lover Nelly is, or something like that. Maybe he is not interested in what she has to say.
  2. The translator get the hims.....hers......he....she....all confused. Did Alberto tell Martina ....Martina's life is screwed up?
  3. What man doesn't like to hear that from his girlfriend/wife.😒
  4. Whoooa, Alberto explodes. It's at times like this that I wished there was a auto voice translator that provided subtitles / text at bottom of screen. Wasn't watching, just heard plates and silverware tossed, Alberto raised voice. Awkward quite now.
  5. Emmitt, I don't understand. What did Bogdan allowed to happen at Gina's party at B4. What do you feel he is responsible for?
  6. Totally disagree with your assessment of Nelly. A few weeks ago, the night Masha and Holly were in the fitness room,...... after returning to the villa, Nelly was pissed about something she found or observed. Bogdan responded (from my view) " to hell with this, I'm out of here! " Nelly went to pieces, thru herself at him, on her knees begging him not to leave. Her dominant and Bog submissive, just don't see it that way. I don't think Nelly has any more or less control, than any other tennant at the villa. The two new girls are running around topless and naked and Nelly is present in the kitchen and pool side. So is Bogdan. She does not dictate behavior at B4. Tenants come and go as they please. Other RLC participants show up for events and hang at the pool. Nelly participates. whatever the girls have holding them back to really explode and act with their craziness, fun and freedom of their age , it is Nelly that makes them have this feeling Not sure what this means. Are you saying .....Nelly made them do it? It's a good thing the girls drunken antics were stopped. While entertaining for some, Vivian was not so amused, crying, and left the villa. Nelly and Bogdan, going to the neighbors to apologize for "crazy-drunk- nude girls. (Not good for the villa to be known as a trouble spot by the police) Nelly is the problem......very general statement.... what problems ....specifically....is she causing?
  7. HuH......poked around the internet and found a few articles about the undercut / napecut for women. Cool and comfy, style. I also found articles that do link the undercut / napecut to lesbian identity. Ya learn something new everyday.
  8. I saw Alberto trim the hair from the back of the Martina's neck a few weeks ago. Thought it was for summer comfort, hair off the neck, less sweat sort of thing. DUH. Yes, I'm slow.... and why is this trimming of the neck hair lesbian in nature.? A kissing / nibbling spot so you don't get a mouthful of hair?
  9. OK...I'll ask. What is the lesbian cut? I'm reading the forum currently, not looking at RLC.
  10. Bruno and his boys ! .....well I will leave it at that. 😨 Return to Valencia, what a fun trip, spending time with family.😉
  11. You got to be kidding me! The wife sent me to the store to pick up food for the upcoming memorial day picnic. I come back to find I missed the latest Martina and Nelly get together. FUCK!
  12. this was posted to hot scope a week ago Yes, Letsdothis often grabs an RLC related video from another site and applies post processing....brightness, contrast, edge enhancement, ect. He's one of a very few who post to CC and I thank him for his efforts.
  13. Martina went out about 21:00. She had on blue jeans and her white top with the sides open....tied with strings. No bra. 😲 Martina home about 02:25. Looks solber, maybe had a drink or two. More tired looking than drinking. Watching Alberto play video game. After a short time, Martina fell asleep on the sofa. Alberto watched some TV, turned TV off, asleep on the sofa also.
  14. The song goes...."If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" Yesterday, had to leave to pick up relative....4 hour one way car trip. Missed the girls going topless at the B4 pool. Missed Martina topless, missed hug/kiss with Nelly. 4 hour return trip today, missed Martina and Nelly makeup session. Setting up relative in guess bedroom, missed Martina shower and bouncing boobs. Saw her go out the door. Shoot me.
  15. I wonder how long that will take. All they have to do is put on bikini's. Could take hours! Nope, I was wrong. All together now.
  16. Just checking in for the day. I see B2+B2, Martina +Nelly in the Kitchen. Elain+Tesla out of shower. Have the introductions occured?
  17. I thought everybody was headed to bed. Aaron in the kitchen, standing unsteady, trying to make a cigarette. Hanna is in Tereza and Timur's bedroom, very drunk, having a conversation of slurred words. Tereza in a thong only. Hanna-Aaron troubles. I was hoping to see Tereza andTimur have sex, but Noooooo.
  18. I saw earlier Pam and BF(blue balls) headed for the tub and thought " oh-no....here we go again" Checked in later and was surprised, Pam sitting on BF's dick! Couldn't see much, splashing water, height of tub wall, and camera angles. They tried a few different positions, but it seemed the BF wasn't getting the job done. Water / sweat got in her eyes, she rubbed them, her eye makeup ran, she looked like a raccoon. 😃 She was so into it, she grabbed her vape cigarette and had a smoke break. I had to go after they got out of the tub so i missed any playtime in the bed room.
  19. WOW, way to go Martina! I was sceptical of a passing grade with trying to cram an entire course into 6-8 weeks. I am impressed with her achievement.
  20. Agree, Alberto should be looking for employment, anything to bring in money to help support the house. It has been stated in the posts that the job opportunities in Spain are few, unemployment high. Why kick him to the curb? He does attend to the household chores. Grocery shopping, cooking, dish washing, laundry, and house cleaning. I think it would be very hard to find a replacement that would do all of the household chores.
  21. I am a fan. I don't know about her cooking skills or daily teeth cleaning. For me it is simple, I like to see her in the shower, dancing, breasts swaying to the music. Shes on the phone with ? mother? , her mood is somber, not the elated "good news, I passed my exams" Or.... maybe she is exhausted, missed her nap time.
  22. Mouse in the house! Gina watching the floor everywhere she goes.
  23. 00:48 am Kitty back. On the couch...with phone of course. Smith sleeping.
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