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Everything posted by vasamatvijenko

  1. Мала нервоза у кући ... али то се догађа свима ... И даље мислим да је Пете нај позитивнији учесник на ВХ, и да има поред себе две најбоље жене на ВХ, које га воле и нераде му ништа иза леђа...можда фали, по мом мишљењу, мало више игара међу њима ... без гостију који праве само проблеме и скрећу пажњу на себе на штету домаћина... Нaj бољи сте то знате, и да полако улазите у клуб легенди на ВХ.
  2. Malo nervoza u kući ... ali to se događa svima ... ja i dalje mislim da je Pete bi trebao biti pozitivniji učesnik u VH, i da ima dva najbolja žena u VH koji ga vole i da ga ne vole iza nazad ... možda, po mom mišljenju, postoji još nekoliko utakmica među njima ... bez goste koji samo napraviti probleme i privukli pažnju na sebe štetu domaćina ... bolje bi bilo da to znaju i polako ulaze u klub legend
  3. To avoid confusion, such and other things are usually done by the same members ....
  4. ... I think it's high time to introduce YELLOW and RED cards for those who are trying to shift viewers to another apartment, to increase their ratings ....
  5. I understand the rules of the forum, from where then the members of the forum have the right names, why those members who know their real names simply do not block ....
  6. If the participants and guests in the apartment meet and call the real names why then the new names .... it just confuses those who at least understand something or everything from their communication ....? Everyone knows they are in VH's apartment so they can choose a name or nickname for dialing ....
  7. Thank you for the explanation... This means that Ana takes over her old company with L & P
  8. Does anyone know what is happening here or what is happening here, whether this is getting to know new friends, or a party party, a man is a surplus .... Pete in the face of a face confused, probably the role of cocktail maker awaits him ..... . Personally it looks like a repeat of Courtney & Jason scenarios ....
  9. Long discussions D & C did not come up with a solution, they have been doing it recently lately while they were participants and always one of them spoils entertainment, this time as hosts bring A & L & P living with ratings, D & C is the archive so it would be best to do as soon as possible go out of this apartment ... not to bother both the viewers and the hosts ...
  10. This becomes ridiculous, more like a tragicomedy than a party...
  11. If L & P has already received C & D guests, they should not split them in their games ... or together or nothing ...
  12. I suggest that if they themselves can not find the apartment for them to find those who are nearby, to leave as soon as possible ... and not spoil the entertainment of the hosts ...
  13. I'm not sure, Dean just sleeps, and Candy is uninterested ...
  14. New (bad) guests, a new slack as if someone was trying to destroy the apartment these two beautiful and free people Lexi and Pete .....
  15. Бри као плавуша ... не користи од тога, само квари стране
  16. ... Maybe the site is designed to watch girls cook lunch and watch movies ... That means the majority on the wrong site ....
  17. Beautiful Lexi, horny Pete, and provocateur blonde ... Goodnight...
  18. Lexi serious, Pete relaxed, Blonde drunk ... not to miss the door
  19. Why did she come to LP .....? She talked so much and held a lecture ..... let her go home ... or Taxi
  20. An unscrupulous cat will not awaken Anastasia...
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