In that case i wont find out where shes buried if had been ludmilla i would have taken my spade when ludmilla was younger she reminded me of leora am i getting a bit carried away its that alladino fault does my head in
Thats spot on slip i always thought jimbo was good at putting things in order and saying the right thing i am shit at anything about been objective in a nice way .when people say something about this apartment like i have said before if you dont like it fuck off the thing is with leora i have followed her for along time for me she is one of the family i wish
Thats fair im not as bigger bastard as my bruv was but he as gone for good for saying too much everybody as opinion as long as it dont get personal then i will be like my bruv and get banned
ddhm are you in a grave yard with that picture of you having a drink on another enemy of the girls in a cemertery just looks like you are leaning on a grave remember im a wanker so my eyes are bad