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Everything posted by redfan

  1. And sometimes in B4 i've heard girls adress each other with names from RLC!Only Nelly addresses Bogdan by his real name,perhaps by inertia!
  2. Folks,maybe this is your brother? I don't know him, i haven't seen him here,but say he was from"the other shore"!😉
  3. Now that Harley has read it and see what comes next.... hate,hate,hate
  4. Martina has dinner alone again, Alberto is gone!😞
  5. Probably!You maybe right!This was some time ago in the case of Masha and Dasha's apt.
  6. Strahge,so long was B2 and B4 offline.No one in the apartments....😲
  7. Maybe,because about an hour and half ago Alberto got a phone call,the conversation was tense,he kept holdinghis head,and Martina was so tense thatit was as if she were siting on throns and watching without blinking!
  8. That's right!As you always think right!Obviously in the Balkans our thinking is a different,so i agree with you!
  9. Ariana was angry that the car been bought with money from herbudget!
  10. It looks like Ariana's brother had an accident . The car was completely smashed!😢
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