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Everything posted by redfan

  1. N@M are already in Mattina"s apt@So soon, seem to be neigbors?
  2. Maybe she"ll make her leave her room?Or it will disappear with her room again?
  3. Who are the two girls in the kitchen right now?
  4. I meant in the other sense to present her as a friend in bed!
  5. DearGod!!!!IMartina realy wants to introduce her to her mother?!?
  6. Where N@M will travel?As you undrestand?I"m sorry,but now i"m getting involved,maybe i missed something?
  7. And was a very handsome fluffy cat,with white heart in frony of chest
  8. When they lived in Russia,St. Piter,N&B had a cat.Said a Garry!So for them it is not alien,and perhaps she fondly remembers their cat!
  9. This is from the beginning!From the gym to Megan's floor.There is also the entrance to the villa!
  10. When Martina was in B4 (21.02.21),just beforethat "crazy sex"night,and kissed Nelly on the stairs,she came again!Then Nelly explainedto Martina,that she is not theirs,and comes sometimes when she is hungry!And Nelly gives her food and water!I've seenher do it before!Keep foodin the cupboard under the counter in front!This can be seen at 00.11.00 this day!
  11. Interesting,now icheckeg the other apartments there are problems!It seems the traffic in B4 is huge!
  12. Me too!No stream for more thanthree seconds!It's super annoyng to give up for today!
  13. Issupport you, i did not know,that the RLC is a Russian company!
  14. With Alberto shewill never have sex like Nelly!It lasts no more than 10 min.With Nelly they spent from 1.5 to 3 hours!
  15. Really similar!In Krasnoyarsk Paul did almost nothing!Fucking from time to time,and then on the computer!The difference is that Alberto cooks and takes care of the home!Martina just needs to improve masturbation like Leora!
  16. I can't imagine Alberto not knowing about it!Wiht so many cam's, technologies,after you and i see everything,he couldn't help but understand!
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