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Everything posted by redfan

  1. Above the garage there is nothing!The garage is last (top level),and is at street level!You get more levels, because the villa is built on mezzanines!On one side-(east) are the garage-top-level,the kitchen and the room of Nelly and Bogdan-down level!On the other side -(west) are room of the Tesla -top level,it's under it living room,below it is Vivian's,Nana's and guest's rooms,together with the bathroom,the elevator and the corridor(hall) in front of them.Below this level is the gym ,from which you exit in the backyard!It turns out for example-on the east side,at the top - the garage,then the kitchen,then Nelly and Bogdan's room.On the west side - Tesla's room,then living room,then Vivian's,Nana's and guest's rooms,then (at the bottom) the gym!
  2. Very recently plan to introduce new restrictions i Barcelona in connection with the distribution of the Delta version of Covid!
  3. No problem is now free!This was an incident just last night!😉
  4. Доста примери могат да бъдат споменати, тези, които идват на ум в „prima vista“, са Кайли и Ръс заедно с Виола в апартамента на Кити и Смит. Също така Клер и Карлос с всякакви наематели от B1 и B2. Маша, Саша и Даша 3-някои в Рим! Маша първоначално беше със Саша в Рим. След това Даша дойде, по време на престоя си, за около година и половина нещата се промениха и накрая Даша и Саша напуснаха проекта като двойка! Пояснение за тези, които не знаят- в тези три почти еднакво звучащи имена Саша е мъжът!
  5. 😂You gooood!!!You gooood!!!👍As Robert De Niro would say!
  6. It will be a great!Wish to see him someday in Barcelona!They had great session both to Rome and to Moscow!
  7. Yes,at a first it looked like a show!Then,espesially in the second and third sessions the two would literally eat each other ,they were in trance!But on the other hand,Nelly does not dramatize at all outside of this relationship.She behaves quite normaly with Bogdan,their sex does not suffer in any way!I know ,that when a third person appears in a relationship,the main partner loses in sex!It seems that Martina has some dramas(We saw her talking to Nelly emotionally in the backyard and crying on her terrace),but i don't know if they are caused by the relationship with Nelly,or something else in her life!(Thelack of work at Alberto,his lack of interest in looking for work,the learning and exams ,which she laid and who knows what else!)
  8. Приемам еднополовите връзки с хетеросексуални на еднаква основа! Също така казвам, че Нели и Мартина може да имат еднополови бракове, но досега не са дали абсолютно никакви признаци за такова желание! И докато нещата вървят добре за тях , и те са заедно, и се разбират помежду си, всичко изглежда нормално! И сега малко спекулации-Ами ако всичко е добре насочена извадка от проекта RLC? Просто погледнете колко време и страници от форума използвахме само за тази дискусия! И тя не се провежда от днес!
  9. Е, логиката е такава, че мисля, че докато Нели се занимава с Мартина, той се връща и не напуска Богдан - всичко засега изглежда нормално забавление! От друга страна Мартина също се връща при Алберто, споделяме всичко, след което те правят секс, без никакви проблеми и драми! Също така, никой преводач никога не е споменавал, че и двамата са заявили ясно желание да напуснат настоящата си връзка и да сключат еднополов брак! И двамата просто добавят малко разнообразие към техния секс няколко пъти тук дадох пример със себе си, че ако моята приятелка (или съпруга) иска разнообразие с жена и това не застрашава брака ми по никакъв начин - тогава няма проблем! И засега е ясно, че връзката им е точно такава - те запазват предишната си връзка с партньори!
  10. That's right!!!We are just voyeurs!Let's enjoy what is presented to us,without constantly analyzing as psychoanalysts or marriage counselors!
  11. Exactly,Solasa!This has been my line of reasoning for a long time,but i don't know why many people can't understand it here?
  12. Exactly!There is hope for this world!There may still be sober-minded people left!👍👏
  13. In this case ,Kenpaul, things are the same-the girl is dating a girl,and not a boy from the feedback!
  14. Just to be accurate with the facts and the conversion we should say if Bogdan had the attraction it must be to a boy,because Nelly has a relationship with a person of the hers sex!
  15. No,but they all speak exclusively only russian!Even Tesla,which is armenian,also speaks russian with the others!Maybe these are instructions from RLC, i dont now!
  16. I am from Bulgaria!I just understand and speak russian very well!
  17. Great observation and summary!And i don't see why some people dramatize these relationships so much?In the end we are all voyeurs and want to watch spicy things!
  18. We can only hope that this develops in a more appropriate way for us,what better than that!
  19. Did a nice dance about 20 minutes in front of the mirrors in the gym, were toples and enjoyed themselves and the game
  20. As do all the other girls in Barcelona!No one is eternal,everyone will ever come home!Some earlier,other-later,but all they have the same status-temporary tenants in the RLC-project!
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