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Everything posted by redfan

  1. To be able to!But if the glorious days (we all remember), are determined from the first day as today,then the subscription for the villa will have and the police,ambulance,civil protection,fire department! (Ha-ha,it was a joke,sarcasm!Nothing personal!)😉😜
  2. Nelly and Bogdan on the couch under the stairs in front of the gym entrance a serious conversation in a semi-secret place!
  3. This seems to have been the selebration of passing the exams!Perhaps with the kind assistance of Alberto!😉😜
  4. Ddhm,i also appereciate respect and love to read your comments, because they are accurately,measured and have something to say!But sometimes it is difficult for me to participate fully in the conversation because i am busy most of the day (Sofia GMT+2,such as Greece)When i get home i go through the whole discussion from the previous day,sometimes i miss something and if something interesting- starts crazy writing- and then sometimes again,maybe i'm missing something, or i'm late for an answer!I like to take stand on topics,that i see that are clearly unfair(in my opinion!),But they are not always liked by others,because there are people,who have their own opinion ,which is also the most normal thing in the world!AS you may have notised,i am probably the only remaining fan of Nelly and Bogdan on this forum!When the criticism is constructive i accept it,but the outright hate-disgusts me!To my delight this doesnot apply to your comments!
  5. So,i agree,but i wrote my post above not to provoke or irriate you!
  6. I wonder who is on camera 3_15 at this point?Whether the theme park has not moved to B4?😉😄
  7. Откъде знаеш, че са заедно? Мартина излезе тази сутрин около 7:30! Нели беше в B4 и с Богдан приготвяше закуска в кухнята!Much later in this!
  8. So where is the poisonous influence of Nelly and Bogdan now?Why don't they suffocatethem? Why don't they bother them? Why don't they poison the atmosphere now?Everything seems to be based on the desire of the participants and the "hosts"are not to blame for what others do not want to do!
  9. Look at Gina,Alexandra had one,too!Amalia's entire backwas tatooed...
  10. Now for the first time i ssaw the new ones in the kitchen!I was definitely attracted to the tall girl with the glases!In her face,a litle reminiscent of Alexandra!
  11. Yes it normal! In russia and Ukraine live some of the most beautiful women in the world!
  12. I came home from work and joined the forum and unfortunately i see that Holly and Megan are gone!Yesss,girls, if you have the opportunity to read this forum,you know that it was a real pleasure for me to watch you here,and from now on wish you all the best in the life from now on!!!Invest wisely in what you earnhere(such as Martina),and arrange your life so that,you experience satisfaction and joi from it!!!And thetime spent on RLC will remain for you a pleasant memory of a nice vacation at the end of you teenage years!!!Good luck in the life and i wish you all the best!!! I kiss you!!!😘
  13. Most likely tonight will be the official farewell of Megan and Holly!
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