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Everything posted by misterme

  1. I noticed Esmi getting 3rd pillow ready earlier but thought surely not another one ...😅
  2. all seem very cheerful and laughter anyways 😂
  3. slippery phone 😄 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  4. And to get out of B4 before it became incredibly toxic and argumentative (surprise surprise) and she is yet to demonstrate the robotic dancing.🎭
  5. I do not mean this unkindly but I am beginning to think that Rads herself might benefit from a proper break from the project. It all seems to be getting a bit toxic and as she has history of moving around so much it probably wouldn't be solved by a simple transfer. I don't really understand why she has been allowed to stay so long without a break in any case as others seem to be moved on.
  6. sorry for deletions I was trying to post clips but couldn't get them them to work, it doesn't matter🤡
  7. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Not sure if this meeting resolved anything
  8. I am afraid there has been either deliberately or carelessly some rather disruptive behaviour developing in B4 over this year among the residents which I first wrote about some time ago but there were no takers at the time so I wondered if it was just me seeing things that weren't there. Recently some major disrupters have also taken to regular visits. I believe much of this is down to insensitivity towards other residents, it becomes a hothouse of frustration and hurt feelings. People just barging into others' relationships and friendships is virtually impossible to manage with such close proximity. Of course, one tends to take the side of one's favourites. I am sorry Rads is upset but she seems to be rather a loose cannon, it all seems so unstable and mixed up. I tend to joke about Rus but I really question what his game is here.
  9. In my opinion you left the villa at the right time it's full of crazies and gets weirder after dark 🧛‍♂️
  10. mmmm Tata now discussing milking a cow I think
  11. oic Marlene and Tata already knew each other from Ukraine if I heard correctly
  12. I really hope the sisters will keep things at arms length with Radi as she seems to have taken an interest in their dancing today, sorry but as far as I am concerned I do not want her bringing her weirdness back to B1 thanks very much.
  13. All credit to Vamp he has been a gent today🧛‍♂️👍 (not sure what may happen when the sun goes down tho)
  14. People I have criticized in the past are making efforts to join in and keep spirits up so credit to them for making the effort (no names).
  15. get the ball in the cup competition winner gets to star in Rus's next production??!! 😫
  16. Watch it sisters Rus probably will probably try to sign you up for silly showgirl totally unplanned event😫with guess who as the leading man
  17. Let's keep the meat very rare for you and me Vamp, if you know what I mean 🧛‍♂️
  18. imo she (Es) is, among other things, naturally photogenic and good to watch even when apparently doing nothing which is not always the case in these voyeur characters, for example, there is only one resident of B4 at the moment who is (for me) 😉
  19. Is Esmi reading these comments she seems very amused
  20. So true and like many of the male RLC wannabees he does rather seem to dominate whatever camera space he is in so hard to ignore without logging off yuck 👺
  21. yes and so does Zaba now - are they things they found in wardrobe left by other girls or their own clothes?
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