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Everything posted by misterme

  1. Robotic dancing from Esmi Cam 6 now 😄 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  2. Is this discussion regarding the CC paid for forum? I have no experience of it but have always wondered what advantages you get from subscribing? Is it just more "explicit" or about access to images, it's difficult to imagine what it is.
  3. Wakey wakey! Rise and shine! 🌞 (or maybe not) RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  4. It was nice when they were away, they should have come back a bit later as we got the chance to see proper girls night out without their, um, in the nicest possible way, rather imposing presence. 🤡🤡
  5. One of the ex-participants on VHTV used to actually put his fingers in his ears during this sort of onslaught which didn't go down very well either. AFAIK they are still together tho, I think they had a strong bond despite the ups and downs. Let's hope this message doesn't post 10 times ... 😏
  6. Agreed as whatever set Loraine off, from looking a both cams, it looks to me that the glass was shoved away from Loraine and ended up (carelessly or not we don't know) in Rad's direction and around her. Looking at the big chunk that happened to end up on the chair I hate to think of the potential eye/face damage that by the grace of God didn't happen. Rad looks totally shocked as I think I would have if chunks of glass had suddenly showered me with no warning. We don't know what Rad was trying to say to Loraine before and after she was rejected from her room but I agree an apology was probably in order unless Loraine is not bothered by tension between them? Loraine seemed to show little emotion after the event which may not surprise some people.😏 I find both of these characters fairly inscrutable so an enigmatic but intriguing event for me.
  7. Holly english lesson I think cam 8 😀 now talking about "bad habits"
  8. Unfortunately now the genie is out of the bottle this crisis may be with us for some time so I am happy for my subs to (hopefully) help support distressed people but then my expectations of these reality sites are fairly low; just Bruno that actually stopped me subscribing at one point really didn't want to support that waste of space in any way.
  9. looks amusing on posted popular images on the right screen 😀
  10. when I said sitting at end by ironing board earlier, I meant clothes airer easy mistake for a man to make 😏
  11. Cleopatra now wearing horns smoking on balcony 🤪
  12. at end by ironing board probably getting pissed 🤣
  13. lol is Cleo slowly getting more and more sloshed (again) 🤡
  14. I don't know but imo he should be careful his missus doesn't get wrong impression from being friendly, we have discussed this before: one male among, blah, blah, blah ... always a potential problems in many ways imo.
  15. After the incident Rads and Tweets tried to speak to Loraine but were rejected from what I could see and I assume no apology from Loraine for the wine glass projectile?? Are we any the wiser from interpreter what exactly the fall-out was about (or why, for that matter Agneta - B2 - suddenly disappeared)?
  16. Just Tweets, Rads and Loraine left in kitchen now what fun 😦
  17. Yes may be something or nothing, we can't help wondering after last night's drama tho could, of course, be unrelated.
  18. Impressive painting by Gyana tho it would benefit from slight move so there is better cam angle to see properly (please)?
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