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Everything posted by misterme

  1. If Radi is too popular for RLC to let her go then I agree she should have her own place. We have all seen her game in B4 and elsewhere and in my view none of the others should let her entice them into her top cam machinations as it may well damage them and their relationships. If she wants to hang around the other girls for genuine companionship that is another matter. I have no axe to grind here as I have never watched her as an individual but to me, as a viewer, as others have noted recently, her presence is not always appreciated. I am trying to be polite about this as I respect her as a person who goes her own way but she has proved herself adaptable so maybe she is better suited to a solo apt. To me her performances seem more obviously suited to VHTV. I believe other porn channels are also available but have never researched them. 😏
  2. Zaba paused her colouring-in book to relate a very animated and physical story to sister.😏
  3. The tall one looks like the girl who lived there last year?
  4. lol true, I wonder if Cleo will carry on all day, she is fun person
  5. 1 Does Cleo realise she has a balloon attached to her top-knot? πŸ˜„ 2 Are they drinking alcohol at this early hour?
  6. I have never watched her as an individual cast member tho I remember seeing her glide in and out of the B1 kitchen when she first came on the scene and was surprised by the tomato consumption before I noticed it had become a cause celebre on the message boards. In fact, I would go as far to say I have already watched new girl Esmi more than I ever watched the B4 pornstar, even tho she seems to be keeping a somewhat lower profile than dear Rads. πŸ˜‰ I do, tho, remember the intriguing barging incident at the doorway of the lower loo in B1 (last year I think) but have no idea what is was about. Neither of the girls seemed to want to give way ... 🀑
  7. I wonder whose toothbrush she is using on the dog's parts? 😝
  8. Ever get the feeling anything around Karol expected to be pretty clean?😁
  9. Funny you should say that 😏 (speaking as a younger sibling myself)
  10. Anybody know which is the older sister? Esmi rather long faced as she analyzes receipts and items; Zaba seems more interested in dancing and trying on clothes, etc πŸ€”
  11. Karol laughing a lot in the bath at something on her phone πŸ˜„
  12. I would love to know what the other girls really think about Radi's general behaviour my hunch is it would be interesting to hear?
  13. My apologies if it is in fact part of her contract to service The Freak ... 😝
  14. πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Žplease STOP encouraging the freak to be part of RLC Oliva πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž
  15. Out of interest did alcohol play a part in this bust-up? I have noticed in other disputes in these reality apartments that when it comes to a nasty, violent climax one or both have drunk way beyond their ability to function and their judgement is badly impaired. IMO people need to address their alcohol consumption but this often seems to be ignored as an important contributory factor, if not the cause or spark that lights the touchpaper. Many people, I think, do not realize that it can be easier to give up alcohol than to cut down (in which case they then have to try monitor their input as they drink which can be challenging in itself).
  16. I think it may be the bloke who was having proper daytime sleep on the couch on the day after the apt opened tho it is hard to be sure as he now has a massive dressing which covers vast part of his face.
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