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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Saint Ukpolska says, ”I have been called lots of names but in English, we say: It’s water off a duck’s back. and I don’t take it so personally. No one here will be made a mod, as that is a VHTV exclusive role and this has been repeated so many times” Water off a ducks back huh? This is such a bullshit lie. He takes every comment personally even those that aren’t even directed at him. In his selfish little mind, just like TL4, he thinks he is the pinnacle of what is best for the VHTV Forum and he takes any and every negative comment towards the site and the “worthy” tenants personally. It’s his duty and obligation to stand guard, to protect and sanitize the forums to make it’s just like him and the TL4. Yes, sure, you’re not a mod, you’ll only have the ability to censor others comments and steer them to the shithole as you see fit, but no not a moderator at all. Oh it’s just maintenance and organizing the forums. Got it! 😂
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