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Posts posted by Amy3

  1. The people running the forum have nothing to say, but they make damn sure that no one else who might think differently does either. Those with the highest levels of trust ran off all of the interesting people with their shitholes and dungeons. They can hide, move, edit peoples posts on a whim. From the beginning the forum was always meant to be Jabs personal sandbox. He got mad when he couldn’t control his world here and took his ball and ran to daddy and because daddy needed him doing the grunt work for nothing, he let him have it. They thought if only they could get rid of people like me they could create this big happy family and it would be amazing. Turns out what they created was vanilla and boring. I honestly think they care more about the animals on the site than the sex.  VHTV needs to clean house. They don’t need them. 

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  2. 19 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    A lot of pictures being posted without any comments so they actually are meaningless unless they are captivating shots of beauty. Looks like members are trying to be the leaders of posting images or most comments or most topics created or whatever else. The traffic cops halted or slowed down my participation (pics and comments) in the forums. Most, if not all, of the apartments or realms do nothing for me and the forum is brutal. Still waiting for VHTV's upcoming improvements to their site that they have mentioned - 🤣.

    Ole James hasn’t posted anything in 4-5 days since he said that. They are clueless and he has no idea what to do. Satan’s ideas are a total flop. They earned this though by not listening to me when I was screaming for them to preserve the niche of voyeurism. No thanks to their ass kissers who put me down to get in closer with VHTV. VHTV put all of their eggs in the managers baskets and their baskets are now empty with dried up remnants. My guess is that VHTV has a bad reputation in these parts of the world where the apartments are located. VHTV would do well to turn off their forum and focus their efforts on finding new people, preferably people without a sex thug manager like the ones they have now. Find people and managers, who want nothing to do with the likes of people like Jabbath and friends. Best thing to do would be to turn off the forum entirely and let CamCaps handle it and then ignore it completely. They need to turn their back on their ass kissers. 

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  3. Mira and Henry posted their own personal best of’s to the delight of no one. All is lost for them and VHTV. Their only hope is to pay for content and hope it’s enough to keep the porno voyeurs active. The problem with that is that these tenants are really bad at doing things that they don’t want to do even when someone is paying for it. None of the tenants have any fire in their bellies and their sexual activities are all so drab and boring. Lots of emotionless, no passion, masturbation with the flesh of another type sex. I saw that the other amazing threesome in Rachel and Ross’s place today. They were literally sleeping through it and until they finally just all feel asleep. Looked like sloths having sex. 

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  4. It’s always funny to me how pictures can be so misleading to the reality of the situation. I watched that threesome in the Lilith apartment and by looking at the pictures, one would think it was amazing, but in reality it was dull as a stone. The girls had one thing in mind the whole time, please cum as fast as possible dude so I can get this job over with, yuck!. It took the poor guy to the end of his reach and was very close to giving up. The second he came, the girls abandoned ship. Typical boring sex on VHTV. My goodness the brunette girl with the vibrator is totally dead inside. She feels nothing anymore. Awful! People in the 20’s and they can’t reach an orgasm anymore. It’s not sexy, it’s disturbing. I think VHTV told the guy if he didn’t cum, he doesn’t get paid. He is in total desperation mode. I’m not convinced he came the first time. I think not.

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  5. I think VHTV is resorting to paying extra cash for content now. Satan’s ideas are a total flop as expected. Also, it’s very clear that Jabs has reduced himself to running security detail for sex workers. He contributes almost nothing anymore, but the moment someone goes sideways from what they think is right for the security of the tenants, it gets snuffed out. Like it’s his duty to protect the tenants lives from the decisions they made to join a sex site. Apparently Momo, whoever that is, messed up by joining a voyeur sex site and now Jabs declares even that person name unsayable. Interestingly enough, the VHTV direct employees don’t seem to have the same trigger finger that Jabs does. Ah, the need to feel important. 

    Star Wars Animation GIF by nerdo

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  6. So Satan thinks that by opening general topics like best sex, ass, boobs, and group sex it will entice the jaded fools into posting more pics that he then thinks will encourage the sloth tenants to perform more, thus creating an ever increasing cycle of amazing content. 😆 The idea is that the talent will be so amazed by the attention that they will try harder to get noticed, thus increase their output of content. A few will post pics, but most can’t be bothered with that low brow effort anymore. All of the forum guards are done capping pics and others will see it as a break from the proper flow in the actual apartments topics. That is, the content in the pile of shit forum will get scattered to the winds right in jabs face. I think Satan is going to have to up the ante on the tenants if he wants them to move. The question for the tenants is this, what price is your soul? 

    Swinging Heat Wave GIF by lilcozynostril

  7. James threw his dogs some bones yesterday and is promising to care about VHTV again. 🤣 Can only imagine what him and Alex, aka Satan, are planning to do to entice the sloth tenants to crank it out for the desparate camjohns. 🤪 They really could use more recycled, tattoo ridden, drugged out, lazy, phone addicted, CB cammer, street dweller types. Can never have enough of those! 😁

    • Haha 2
  8. “We motivate models a little to be more active, they will see that they are really being followed, that someone likes this content, and we will not offend active users” - Alex666, the new VHTV marketing guy!

    That’s from the new marketing guy, who is on a quest to make the jaded fools happy again and somehow save VHTV from what they did to voyeurism by throwing gas on their garbage fire. He is basically going to do all sorts of things in the background to “motivate” the current group of sloths, who to be honest are used to the “enough to get by on” life and are easily contented to earn pennies with pussy in the cam tricks, to create more content and he thinks that somehow if the talent sees that the audience likes what they see, it will cascade into more amazing content. He’s trying to thread the needle because they aren’t quite ready for full fledged paid content, strong arm tactics, or other enticements. Also, Jabs has a new VHTV ass to kiss up too. I can only image what the “I’ll be back” Sparkles thinks about this development. 😂🤣😂 This is going to be hilarious! 

    That would basically make you a camwhore person who work at the camera. Not the type of participants we're dedicated to feature at Voyeur House TV.” - James

    Donald Duck Lol GIF

    • Haha 1
  9. On 1/24/2024 at 8:56 AM, Jonno said:

    What you expect when VHTV #1 super fan is guaranteed to be top of the table.  Bellend.  

    Return Of The Jedi Episode 6 GIF by Star Wars

    It’s the small price that VHTV is willing to pay to get him and the other forum leaders and operators to waste their lives for them. He makes for a very good pet. Too bad it comes at the expense of anyone else who sees through the bullshit and dares to think differently. The main reason that the VHTV sucks is because it’s only allowed to be in the shape of Jabs sandbox. 

    It’s hilarious that they still make some of the moments operators pay a sub. I guarantee to you that Sparks never had to pay. He couldn’t even afford a CamCaps membership. I know cause I paid for his membership when he was here. Image doing work for VHTV and still having to pay for a sub. 😂 

    • Like 2
  10. And for the record, my goodness CamCaps is so much better to navigate than the utter shit pile that the VHTV forum is.  Jabs forum is basically just a running chat that makes navigating things in the past basically impossible. Try scrolling up and up and up and watch as it zaps you into the woods. God forbid someone creates a topic that he disagrees with. What a pile of shit! 

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  11. Never forget this and laugh at what VHTV actually became. There is context to why I said what I said in my comment. I was essentially making the point that if I were a tenant I would make a spectacle in order to get the most views that I could in order to make as much money as I could. VHTV then tried to say that this kind of thing would make me a camwhore and it wasn’t what their website was dedicated to feature. Watch what VHTV does next and then join me as I laugh even more. It’s going to be hilarious!


  12. 5 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

    Welcome back Amy, glad you're back

    Hi there! I guess I never really went away. I’ll follow this story to its end to some degree or another. I’m certainly don’t care to spend much of my time on it. The parts that I enjoy are usually pretty quick to digest and move on from. I could care less about the content of VHTV. It’s truly awful in so, so many ways. Almost all of the tenants are sub-par in just about every way imaginable, many are just plain unattractive to even look at. The majority of the people in jabbath’s forum are jaded, surfeit, and withered. That’s their real problem that they cannot see. In truth, for them, it’s not VHTV, it’s them. The secret lives of women and the sheer beauty of their sexuality is no longer a mystery and when one gets to the point, he is truly lost. They are chasing a mirage, when the real problem comes from within. As for me, I guarded myself from that fate. I saw the writing on the wall when Stella joined. If anyone wants to know when I changed my outlook on VHTV, that was one of the main points. Now, I’m just a voyeur of voyeurs and I enjoy watching the things they and VHTV do. Their next moves are going to be utterly ridiculous and hilarious. 

    Anyways, hope all is well with you and yours. Take it easy. ❤️

  13. Curious to see if anyone can figure out which one is me. Careful! LOL

    The other thing I wonder is when “the community” will realize just who Sparkles really is. VHTV clearly cares more about the services he performs then the talent that earns their keep. He called Clara and Stas scum. Did it get sent to the shithole, no. Did it get hidden, no. As they say power has it privileges. Go figure!  

    • Confused 1
  14. 23 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Those YouTube Vids of people that said they had the cure for tinnitus is all a bunch of hogwash.  I tried their suggestions and they do not work.  About the only thing I have not tried yet are those CBD Gummies or Ginkgo Biloba.  I'm not one for putting unknown substances into my body not knowing what they'll do.  

    Hey StnCld, haven’t been here in a while and just stopped in and saw this topic on the home page. Yep! You are correct. None of that shit works. Nothing stops it. I wouldn’t even wish this on Jabbath and Sparkles. 😁


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  15. So this Torey guy demands vhtv spare him from having to be touched by the little people and so they oblige him and they create a silly sub club for the high and mighty subscriber class, which is a total laughing joke, btw. And then he proceeds to keep posting content in the lowly forum for what I can only imagine is to share his amazing ability to cap pics for the very people he claims to despise. I must admit I’m having hard time wrapping my head around that one. He must have more time to kill then Sparkles does. 😂 

    Curious to see how Jabs deals with the sub club. I’m sure he’s not going to want to manage 2 forums so I’m sure the club will soon dry up, rot, and fall off the tree except for maybe the truly paranoid. Jabs knows that the non subs are the grease that keeps the engine going. Without them, it becomes a forum full of know it alls and knowledge becomes valuable. Soon they stop posting their precious goods, clicks solidify, and not much of anything gets posted of any importance. 

    VHTV should really consider just dumping their forum. It’s a waste of their time and the moderators there are too stubborn, self centered, and selfish. They don’t use their power for the betterment of the site, they use their power to control other members. They give the site a bad reputation. If they must have a forum they need to service it with their own staff. Actual employees who are neutral and objective and have the interest of the site as their first priority, not their own self interests. Ultimately this is the problem with their forum and why they can’t properly moderate it. 

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    Any further bullying between the groups will not be tolerated. This is a warning to those Premium users who see themselves above everybody else. The next time anyone has a problem re-subscribing to the...

    So it appears that VHTV has made the very stupid mistake of splitting their forum based on subscription status. Wonder how long this will last. Well, let’s see. 😂  VHTV would do well to take note of what happened to CamCaps when they stupidity allowed Jabbath and Sparkles to create a club.

    it was hilarious to see Sparkles lose it today though. That part made my day cause now I know, well……. You know. 
    gravity falls laughing GIF

  17. @Robwin you need to understand that the entirety of the official VHTV forum exists within a Jabbath shaped bubble. He of course is held up by puppet strings linked to VHTV among others who he serves. Everything that happens there is a part of his escape from reality that is allowed to exist as it serves their purpose. They could really give a shit about the cost to him. It’s all pretty sad really.  All of you people wasting your lives posting there are just the reinforcements he needs to maintain his shell and position and the puppet masters appreciate you very much for all of your money and work. When the ones making the money step away they laugh at all of it but especially their pet Jabbath, who serves them so well and for so very little in return. As for Goldie, it’s all the same. She is connected to him and therefore she is good and worthy of his protection even as she abandons her child in exchange for money, but because she is good and worthy it’s ok and reasonable and you are the bad person for shaming her for what every sensible person knows is wrong. Basically, nothing changes. If the tenants are not of his desire or aren’t his friend or connected to someone who is his friend, then they are fodder for jokes and put downs and are otherwise unworthy and if anyone tries to shame someone connected to him well then get ready for it cause here it comes. This is the power his puppet masters give him. The VHTV forum is Jabbath’s mind pure and simple.   

    I read some of the forums lately and my goodness, talk about a broken record. Almost all of it is exactly the same garbage repeated over and over and over again. There really is nothing new under the sun in the world of camsite voyeurism.  Just a bunch of sad lives selling their precious sex to people living even sadder lives watching and paying for it. 

    See ya Rob! There are so many more better things to do with your time. ❤️

  18. VHTV Forums has a nice feature where you can see just how much of a persons life they have wasted. Seriously 55 days lost in year Jabbath. That's 15% of your life totally wasted on this utter nonsense in the last year alone. These people you think are your friends, they're not. Live YOUR life and stop giving it away to people who are just using you for their own selfish needs. I do care about you and I wish you would stop this waste. You're 35 now. Nothing you have done in this pituful world here amount to anything special. If you disappeared tomorrow none of these people would care. They'll just move on to the next one. It's a useless void. Stop!

    • 55d read time
  19. If you listened, you'll realize that I was right about everything I said about Sparkles and what he would do to Jabbath. I tried to warn you and especially him. Every now and then I see them and every time it becomes even more clear that I was exactly right. Pretty sad for me to see the person you are now Jabbath. You grow darker by the day under his power. He is a hole in you that is widening even with your arms outstretched. You are growing old and cruel inside. Your joy lives in the demise of others and the laughter of weaklings. He drew you to this place. This not who you are. Run before it's too late for you. Your ability to understand love and sexuality is at stake. It's not too late but time is running out. Run, I tell you! Find love in the flesh of a real woman and find peace and real joy. Rekindle your heart and see the good in everything again or continue to be used by the forces around you that mold you into what they need you to be for their own selfish needs. VHTV thinks you're a tool and a fool and you are for them. Stand up and deny them their evil pleasure. As for Sparkles, I walked the same path as you. I know what he did to me. I know what his plans entail for you. I know because he told me as clear as night and day. I know the plan and have watched it unfold upon you. He owns you even in your denial of it. That's his glory. Stop!

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  20. On 4/26/2022 at 3:27 PM, Robwin said:

    Bloody hell you have remembered i exist then eh hun, guess i am honoured :biggrin: You obviously are reading all the crap then :biggrin:

    Yes i am getting a bit sick of it all now, must make an effort to get back to my roots on here. I have said it before but having a rather ill and bedridden wife does take a toll on the times i can get on and thus tend to stick with VHTV forums but am getting a bit sick of where it is heading i must admit. So many of the posts are just inane and just too immature for words often.

    How be you getting on then would be good to catch up.

    Hey Rob! Hope you’re doing well. Sorry about your wife. That must be hard to deal with. I’m doing well. Pretty much moving on from this life here. I think I said just about everything I wanted to say I think. Maybe something will come to mind here and there, but I don’t watch VHTV or any voyeur sites anymore. I see it for what it is and it’s not worth wasting my time on. It’s just an exploitive hustle for money and attention all around. These people are hardly interesting and it all just starts to run together in repetition. If I feel anything it’s sorry for them for doing this to survive and for the people watching who think they are somehow doing good by them. A voyeur site where the tenants are their own managers, who got paid a base salary would be a much better product and could be something worth watching. Most of VHTV is just mangers tossing people in a hole and telling them to perform for the camera as much as possible. People think the bs that goes on those apartments is real, it’s not. Almost none of it is in the sense that it’s what they would actually be doing. Every minute is a moment to earn money from viewers and so it is. 

    Anyways, I’m doing great actually. My work life has never been better. Completely back on top of my game now that I don’t spend all of my time on this stuff. Got a “significantly exceeds” on my last performance review. That was always the standard for me until I got involved with this stuff. It actually feels much better to be back to living my own life instead of running away from it in here. Amy is me and she will always will be me, but it’s best that she stay on the inside. I learned a lot about people and about myself. I wanted to go a far as I could and I think I did. All this is just a piece of me that’s all. The best part was meeting ooopel. She opened a door in me that keeps me smiling no matter what.  

    Anyways, all the best to you. Keep smiling yourself! It’s just life!  

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