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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. LOL! Poor Jeka is a pussy whooped. Can't blame him. Sara is probably worth it.
  2. What happend to this girls friend? Did Jeke fuck either of them?
  3. I wouldn't let strangers fuck in my bed, but that's just me.
  4. Oh, the violence! That's where I ended it. Fuck that shit. Blah!
  5. Thx guys, I missed you all too. Is Tory bi?
  6. I'm pro gun too. I'll back you up on this one. I'm not going to be a sitting duck.
  7. I'll accept silence as vindication of my premise. Listen, all I expect from you is to be honest when these situations arise. I know that you can't stop violence from aring, but when it does happen, you seem to always take the side of denial and it makes you appear that you don't care even though you say that you do. This is supposed to be fun and I think it should be clear to the tenants that real violence will not be tolerated. Just look at the damage that was done to the guests at James and Chloe's place yesterday. One day someone is going to get seriously hurt. I'm trying to prevent that day from ever happening. Some of us are trying to help, but you attack us instead of supporting us. It's very disheartening.
  8. WIshful thinking, but violence and abuse has to be confronted.
  9. Why should I help you? It got me no where. What Rex does to Dana is real abuse and you know it. @Voyeur House TV
  10. Those are just banana peels they are waving around. Move along. See, I can be an asshole too.
  11. VH, you're being an asshole, just so you know.
  12. Sorry, but that's a ridiculous comment. As if violence is culturally acceptable. Whatever!
  13. Thx Russ. I hope so too. The lack of interest on VH's part to curb the ongoing violence is troubling to me. I have no interest in policing anything for them after what they did to me. Their day is coming though. The writing is on the wall.
  14. The answer is yes, they do not mind it at all. Like I said, it's viewer gold! They'll learn one day. I promise.
  15. No thanks. You should be watching the direction of your ship, not me. I'm just a commentor.
  16. See, told you guys, VH is elated and very much enjoying the views.
  17. @Voyeur House TV Are you aware of the enormous amount of violence that occurs on your site? You seem oblivious or rather unconcerned.
  18. Your damn right it is. ? If anything to protect your vaulable equipment.
  19. It's viewer gold to VH. Trust me, there are quite content and elated.
  20. VH is a business, which I'm sure can be held liable if damages, medical or property, are incured. They would be wise to hire security if they are going to have large parties like this. A bouncer of you will.
  21. Yes, HE thinks they should shut it down. If you don't like his comment, don't read it and go about your business. No need for you to always be chastising CC members all the time. Seems that is all you ever do.
  22. Too many goons! What did they think was going to happen. This is just day 1. More and more goons are going to show up I'm sure.
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