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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. My best hope is that he screws this up so bad that Anna never lets him ever do it again. Hope she likes being sore, cause she's in for it.
  2. At least he's got porn in the tv and not Family Guy.
  3. Sorry, but Anna is tied up at the moment. ?
  4. Alex is going to end up tying himself to the chair and then Anna is going to be the Dom. That mask. ?
  5. Oh, but what if Jeka never acknowledges that Mira is gone for good, what then?
  6. Thanks for the reply. Back in the boat I go. Darn it! ?
  7. Could be! Maybe explains the reason for the new computer. New way to make money. This is going to be hilarious!
  8. Yes, this is the rubbernecking apt. Stare at your own risk.
  9. Ash stop watching right now. You have a serious fire underway that must be properly extinguished when you get home. Hold onto that feeling sweetheart! ?
  10. Alex is a moronic dumb ass! He'll surely find a way to screw this up.
  11. Told you guys a long time ago that their apt would turn into a dungeon for Anna. Looks like I was right. Guess we get to watch Alex become a master slaver and Anna bait.
  12. Nice little sex chair thingy they have set up there in the living room. Is it sushi time?
  13. Oh my! I just love you to pieces!!! ?
  14. I'm sure Jeka read CC and he got his panties in a wad over it. So he's gonna show us. Whatever!
  15. Amy3

    Tver - Split 7

    People think that girls become anorexic because they don't want to be fat, more often then not it's because they are obsessed with being as thin as possible. That is, the addiction isn't to not be be fat, it is to be thin.
  16. Amy3

    Tver - Split 7

    Looks anorexic to me. Who knows, maybe she's fun.
  17. Yes, exactly! They can do whatever they want, but if VH is nothing but a place to watch tv and crash, then fuck that. It's embarrassing to VH to have an apt like that.
  18. They deserve the bonus cash this month so far. Also. Is that's daffy duck tattoo above her pussy?
  19. @Voyeur House TV At least tell us if Mira is gone for good or not.
  20. But you won't tell us if Jeka and girls are camming off your site and using VH as a resting place!
  21. No way! It's too small and you would hear them on the other cams. Plus, we would see them coming out for food and water breaks. Wish we had a savvy cam site scanner around to seek them out.
  22. You are probably right. VH knows and they agreed to use the apt anyways. I recall that VH wasn't too happy with the set up at this apt.
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