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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Haha! I was thinking the same thing when I watched the clip. I can totally see it in my imagination. Watch out for Mr. Roper though. That sadistic old man. ?
  2. Jeka has that huge dick and he is way too cocksure. We need another guy there to compete and show him up. This is what kinda sucks about this model. It's his apt so he gets to say who comes in the door and who doesn't. It's too bad VH can't decide this.
  3. No one is certain, but it did appear that Mira left possibly for good. Sara and Raya have been around longer than usual and I think they brought stuff into the apt. The other 2 Erin and Darcy just kinda swing in out. No one is certain if Sara and Raya are moving in permanently yet.
  4. Looking good Maria. Can't wait to watch the playback of you getting ready. I have no idea how she recovered from the stuper that she was in last night. I'd still be in bed begging the gods for forgiveness.
  5. Ok, I have names. Hope you like them. Sara's sidekick, the blonde girl is Raya. The girl with the big forehead is Erin. The other brunette is Darcy.
  6. Come and knock on our door, we've been waiting for you....lol
  7. Sara came and conquered, now why should she care, especially with the minute man sex.
  8. Peter was the only other one on VH. I guarantee you the other guys are doing it off cam. Probably outside of the apt.
  9. I think Jeka is too shy to do it. Eric, Sam, Stas, Egor, and Alex don't do it either. Right now it's just Alex. Funny how there is a stigma against guys, but not for girls. Guys need to jerk off to stay sane. Sex is about giving yourself to another, but masturbation is different and personal. Couldn't imagine only having sex.
  10. Why not? You could change the channel. Would you mind if it resulted in a longer sex session?
  11. Sara can most definitely get off during sex. Lately Jeka has been cumming very quickly. He doesn't jerk off on cam. Maybe he should start.
  12. Yes, there's always a chance that it's temporary. I hope for her sake though that she leaves.
  13. Thanks for listening Mira. You're better than this. Go find true love and happiness. You deserve everything in the world. Don't look back!
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