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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Apparently they don't have to do anything and I'm still going to watch. You win VH! Guess we'll see what happens in about 80 days.
  2. The old Anna I know would have had them all naked in the jacuzzi by now.
  3. Haha! Me too! Sometimes I bake birthday cakes and just throw them away.
  4. This party is lame. Where's the damn porno I paid for! Anna, I command you too suck off Peter or I'm going straight to VH and demand you leave immediately! Haha! Chill the fuck out guys, I'm just playing. Btw, the party is lame though.
  5. Kenny like covering things up, be it sex with a blanket, a do rag on his head, tattoos on his body.
  6. It's a fake party to scam would be subscribers. Believe it!
  7. Kenny's epic blanket sex is by far the most pitiful, but this changing in the closet business is right up there.
  8. I'm not making any excuses for the comments I make. If it gets to the point where I'm talking to myself, then so be it. To be honest, I'm getting sick and tired of people doing this to me. I have every right to speak my mind just like everyone else does. If the CC admins have a problem then THEY can sanction me, but no CC member is going to tell me what I can and cannot say. For the record I have never put anyone on my ignore list.
  9. Please leave me alone. Add me to your ignore list of you must.
  10. I'm sure that someone who posts dissatisfing comments about others dissatisfying comments is the most pathetic of all.
  11. @Voyeur House TV How much of this bullshit are we supposed to tolerate before it's ok for us "paying" subscribers to get pissed off?
  12. You have got to be fucking kidding! Why not just start covering up the cams too. Might as well. Someone gif and send to VH.
  13. Yes, having a lot of people can be a great idea if they are willing to have fun. This group was not ready for that kind of fun. It's too much for them to process so quickly and the subscribers don't have that kind of patience. They should keep Peter, Mia, the guest couple and bring in Endy and the Kurgan. ?
  14. Anna, my dear, you're a woman, learn how to fake it. For real!
  15. Sadly Anna was electrocuted by a vibrator today. She will be missed. ☇
  16. Anna used to be a pro at getting new people to get naked around strangers. This girl is off her game. Alex needs to go buy a bat and some scream masks.
  17. All I have to say to that is good riddence; unless Mia is willing to try again with a different guy. Peter and Emma are just not the kind of people for this site. They don't elicit fun out of others. In other words, they are boring.
  18. We have to stick together and boycott any mole sex and blanket sex. The reason they don't do anything about it is because it continues to get views. Also, this is what I don't understand. Why waste sex activity in a bad situation. You can only have sex so many times a day, why not make each one count. Instead of quantity they should shoot for quality. Most of the sex that happens, happens on the paid cams, which mean they have access to the timeline. I think most people would rather see one really good sex scene then 3 mediocre ones. Plus, look at what having too much sex can do, ala Eric.
  19. If there is one thing I've learned by watching these sites, it's that Russians do not like cum. Guys, you don't clean ot up with a paper towel and girls you don't spit it out. They just don't get it!
  20. Ran to the bathroom to spit out the best part. What an insult to him! You swallow and enjoy it period!
  21. Guess Emma jerked him in the dark behind the great wall of blanket. Not sure of he got off or not cause I couldn't stand to watch it.
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