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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. He so great with the blanket. He's got moves like a matador.
  2. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    The problem with Anita is that she doesn't let herself go. She is always in total control. I haven't seen the sex scenes, but I bet she's the same there too. She plays only up to a point and then it's like she thinks too much, gets embarrassed and pulls back. This is why she is such a buzzkill and has no business being here. Fun and happiness come with risk, risks she cannot take.
  3. They seem to be quests and perhaps know Peter and Emma. Things are pretty chaotic right now. It's ok, it creates opportunity for drama.
  4. I'm with you Jabbath, mole sex, no views, and no money for the tenants.
  5. I'm doubtful. I don't think Alex is attracted to any of them, much less Anna. The only one that has a chance with A and A is Mia. Anna likes her.
  6. I can't disagree with anything you said. Spot on if you ask me. Kenny, "The Blanket", is the bigger problem. Mia did look like she was trying to toss the blanket.
  7. @golfer06 I think they are going a different route with this apt. The idea is to create a fucked up situation so that it will get a lot of attention, thus a lot of comments, thus a lot of exposure to other camcapers who might be interested in the drama. This is all by design and we're the suckers in their plot. The best thing we could do would be ignore it and not comment about, but that's impossible and they know it.
  8. I'm like that with almost everyone. Some people just don't know it yet.
  9. VH clarified that there were no swingers, at least not Peter and Emma. This place is a trap. Nothing is going to happen. Mole sex and hiding is what you can expect. Poor Anna and Alex got screwed. Hope they escape soon.
  10. On the one hand I hate what happened today, but on the other hand this clusterfuck points out all of the flaws with what VH has done and I will love watching this drama unfold. Sorry, can't help it, I'm libra incarnate.
  11. I hear you Bear, but this was bad, I mean really bad. Don't think I have ever see tenants go to such lenghts to avoid being on cam as I have today. The way he put her panties back on made me want to vomit.
  12. Yeah, and the lighting is so bad its stopping NV. This day ended much worse then yesterday.
  13. No wonder VH took the day off. They knew this shit sandwich was coming.
  14. Seriously, it was all Kenny too. Working the sheets more than her pussy. You could see how unsatisfied she was at the end. Like, what about me? He was so quick to get her pantied back on and in bed. I'm embarrassed for VH. Shit maybe A and A should go back to VV and start a new revolution. This apt. is whack!
  15. Anna and Alex and trying to figure out how to get the hell out of here.
  16. Especially you Kenny, couldn't even make her cum. Typical asshole boy!
  17. You know what, fuck you Mia and Kenny. You don't belong here!
  18. Sad part is that we're all warching and they are getting paid for this. Fuckin A
  19. Are you freaking kidding me! Mole sex under covers. Well not even sex yet. There's still a chance they will run dornthe closet. I sure hope VH watches this piss poor behavior.
  20. Who is more horny, anna or alex? Or neither they have decided to be celibate?
  21. Movie night I guess. I'd chip in $50 for an A+ pornstar to walk into that room right now. Someone like Bonnie Rotten or August Ames. ?
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