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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    Fuck! Typical....
  2. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    Probably just there for the party. Is Lisa horny? That's all I care about.
  3. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    That's definitely Petra.
  4. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    VV seems to have this idea that their viewers only want to see constant sex. To the point that they are getting defensive about it. Tver has a lot of sex, no doubt, but they actually do so many others things that are sexy and fun that don't involve penatration. Hell, just being naked is something. They also aren't glued to their phones all day.
  5. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    Bella can be that girl of she wants to be. She just needs to be among lively, fun, and perhaps drunk people.
  6. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    VV prices should drop in the winter. 75% seems fair.
  7. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    Problem is that nobody besides Tver cares to be fun. They are quite literally burned out. Sad!
  8. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    All but Tver, are stuck buffering.
  9. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    ....and buffer, and buffer, and buffer, and I'm done!
  10. Let the no fun continue!
  11. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    Hilarious! They really think people are going to stick around to watch this much less fork out money for it. Hardly!
  12. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    ...and a male partner with a insatiable appetite for sex. Ok, now we're dreaming. Must lower expectations.....
  13. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    Someone send a nurse to Tula to check for bed sores. Seriously, who the fuck stays in bed that much. I used to be jealous of their sex lives, now I'm worried about them developing DVT.
  14. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 4

    Would not surprise me in the least. If I were Anton, I'd be embarrassed of my abilities and never expose myself on a cam site.
  15. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    No offense CC, but I wonder why RLC, VV, for example don't run their own forums. I think the point is that I can't figure why someone would watch these sites and not belong to a forum. Since I don't know of any other active VV forums, I would have to assume that VV has about 10 subscribers. Wouldn't it be better to have 1 forum for all viewers. Sorry, rambling!
  16. 0% chance anyone on VV wants to have a connection to a viewer. Let it go and just watch. Probably 75-90% of their lives are on cam anyways.
  17. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    They lay around in bed way too much. Like a rat in a cage.
  18. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    Anita comes back only to rest her weary head. Too bad, she has so much potential. Oh well, next!
  19. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    CC is back up, but recent posts are missing. Oh well, kinda sad that I seem to miss CC more than VV.
  20. Should have quoted the OP, not the nice guy helping you out.
  21. Yea, good luck, cause this sucks.
  22. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 4

    Progress, but still by now she should be totally comfortable with being topless. If I were VV, I would be frowning.
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