I'm not claiming to be a hero or post videos, I don't. In fact I'm rarely on here but every time I do come on here I see boss responding to mystery requests but providing no actual information. Yet whenever anyone questions why he is misleading, continually uses ineffective file sharing, has files which while often being short are inexplicably bigger than all other files, he doesn't respond. I don't even mind if he gets something off sharing but I don't like being lied to and I don't like being fed a load of shit malicious files on top of other things. If he came out and said he gains credits for downloads of these files but its 30 mins of alina getting rattled all over the living room, or 2 and a half minutes of paul's hardest work I would applaud him, and thank him for his hard work. But he doesn't do that he just shits out a random sack of files as if he's doing us a favour and then disappears.