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Everything posted by zone51

  1. imagine the potential of rlc could have if they change their strategy and open apartments with people of different languages ! it's so much better when you understand their language, that's make a big difference
  2. you know what i am going to take a month suscription just for this french couple because it's the first time on RLC so i am curious to hear them now i can understand something they will probably stay a short time but it's not important
  3. there is always curly if she want a dick he is not very far
  4. so there is one empty bedroom in B4 now+ the renovation of the master bedroom
  5. mmm interesting, let see if it's just for the decoration or not
  6. defenitely an improvement for the moment, maybe one day she will do a open bate but one thing is sure it's not Ginger or Holly on this point
  7. RCL is ready to have their own dictionary they have enough names now for that
  8. don't make sense, why spanish girls could not work in their country ? martina/alberto are spanish and live in Barcelona, same thing for carla/yanai
  9. we have the B2 casting for the minimum next 6 months i think
  10. not my job but with the pandemic i am sure many spanish girls search a job
  11. a very simple solution: just bring local spanish girls during the pandemic period, i don't think it's very complicated to do, certainly more simple than continue bring external girls
  12. it's not the question it's just another repeat girl, maybe her 4 stays now and she was on RLC not long ago
  13. pffff not her again 😏 i know Naga will be happy to see her again but not me i have the impression she was here yesterday
  14. and not only with the letter A, i made the same mistake with Milena Milana Melena it's complicated sometimes
  15. ah d'accord je confond, c'est la similarité du prénom qui m'a mis en erreur, enfin une nouvelle fille !
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