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Everything posted by zone51

  1. right, time for me to stay in the backstage now or in the hidden room
  2. in a week at this rythm we will have 50 different topics for make sure to not have another general thread 🙂 closed the general thread will just move the things to the other topics this is why for me it's stupid
  3. well it's already the end of this topic 😂 or that will be another general thread
  4. yes i agree, having a general thread per rlc apartments was more simple to read and to find, now you will have to search in many useless topics, not the envy to waste my time with that
  5. the Admin will see the result in a week or two if it was a good decision or not for the rlc public forum of camcaps, that would be great to ask the camcaps members before take a decision like this without us in my opinion
  6. it's not because we are not premium members than we not support this forum because many of us are active on this forum and continue posting every days, without us (the non premium) camcaps is nothing and there will have always freeloaders are here just as observators it's like that we have to accept that but i have no problem with that
  7. 87% i think the answer is clear for many camcaps members...why change something was fine for many members it's hard to understand for me but anyway it's the Admin choice
  8. she was active on camcaps when she joined VHTV, if i remember good she wanted and asked rlc for come back and having their apartment on rlc with the bf but rlc not wanted to deal anymore with her so the refuge for her was VH
  9. rlc don't want her anymore on their site they don't like very much the cats fight
  10. i have not understand everything about the new rules the 1 st september but let see it's midnight here we are the 1st already
  11. i don't know what idea rlc had to send Milena in B1 with Irma they are really desesperate
  12. i get used with the blurry thumbnails it's sufficiant for the moment till she is on RLC
  13. enjoy the chain light in Milena bedroom , this girl is just ridiculous
  14. i have the impression they have never leaved RLC since their last stay in B5 😏
  15. i don't know i saw them 30 seconds in the kitchen
  16. let see what tricks she will find for hiding during the sex in this bedroom in B1, probably some shit lights with candles
  17. welcome in the red light district of Barcelona
  18. you guys see something? seems to be unwatchable because of the neon light
  19. finally some life on RLC because of the guests in this apartment
  20. on vacation or not i'm not watching this apartment, not interested at all by them
  21. i find her more interesting to watch when she is alone 😄
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