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Everything posted by zone51

  1. the reunion in the private area are not limited to max 10 people now in Spain? how many are they in B4 right now? just curious
  2. the problem is this fucking smartphone she can't stay away with that more than 2 minutes, it's hard to have a social life with the others in this condition, i am glad to have no smartphone when i see this young generation
  3. just hear her voice in the kitchen with this one of Nelly was too much for me, i switched to another place 1 minute later, i just can't
  4. only if Lucian let Alexandra do something interesting with them than just kissing
  5. in one two or three weeks it's not very important we saw this movie already 3 or 4 times, i prefer watch martina and the guest girl than B4
  6. my pizza is almost ready and i see this shit post, i think i am gonna wait 30 more minutes now before eat my pizza
  7. Amira is the gardener with his vegatables right? edit: oops no i see her in the kitchen i remember who is she now
  8. because tired to see the same people again and again on RLC , this site has zero ambition they fall always in the facility
  9. lol and fucking lol when i see the "new" casting for B4 😂 two days ago i said minimum 50 % or more of recycled girls but the answer was 100 %, i am done with RLC seriously, zero envy to renew for see this recycled casting one more time i think @nagachilli2 will be very happy with this recycled casting too 😏
  10. i was thinking it was the new date of the opening of Voyeurlife 😁
  11. well seems the reopening of B4 is not for today we have to wait a little bit more
  12. if i have to take a cleaning lady for my house that will be only for spy under her skirt
  13. someone left? the tenants can't clean their own apartment they have just that to do of their days
  14. the lack of posts is just the reflect how rlc is right now, it's hurry for them to open new apartments and not in 5 years, i am sure there will have more posts tomorrow if B4 return
  15. mmm interesting update, let see tomorrow... i hope kim not moved in B4 again for the next 6 months
  16. at the moment i'm watching rlc maybe 5 mn per day and i force myself, i hope B4 will return this month
  17. she will maybe take the place of Masha in B2 the 10 th september or moving in B4, btw finally kim left rlc thanks god, i hope the next is irma milena mimi gina bonnie rama lucian alexandra soon as possible
  18. looks like we have a new general thread here 😁 you can see how stupid this new rules are
  19. and i want to add: the advantage of this general thread is it's was a good resume of the day per rlc apartment (simple to find and simple to read), don't need to read 10 useless topics before for get the informations you want it's the choice of the Admin to try this but for my part i really hope the general thread will return soon, the general thread was fine for many members here. the major problem is rlc is dead right now because of the lack of updates this is why there is less comments or activity on camcaps and camcaps is a small community too
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