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Everything posted by zone51

  1. i would like to see her suck a dick or be fucked but i bet she will only bating on her side
  2. this is why i said i see nothing special on the thumbnails of the replay
  3. i don't see any sex action in this bathtub on the thumbnails
  4. because something happened? when i check the top thumbnails of the replay i see nothing special
  5. it was a short visit, let's back with the boring routine for few months again now with the same casting
  6. believe me or not but i am taking pleasure with this fucking blurry thumbnails, i let only the thumbnails without the rlc streaming (i click on a pay camera) and i check sometimes, they are refreshed every 30 seconds i think this situation remind me when i was young and i watched the coded porn movie of the month on a pay TV channel named canal +
  7. we quickly get used with the blurry cameras 🙂, it's hard at the beginning but when you know how the cameras are placed it's ok and they are not very blurred it's perfect for the true voyeurism experience 😁
  8. because they are the new managers of the B apartments, they have the same roles of Nora had before
  9. you know Olya was one of my favorite girl because of her fantastic body but i find her too boring after all this months of stay, i prefer to see her to go like many other girls and see a full new casting but i think we have to wait some months again before that happen
  10. one new girl it's a start, keep going rlc 6 or 7 more new girls like this and i renew 🙂
  11. maybe it's their punishments because they spent too much time outside theses days
  12. Milena will be the supervisor and for make sure to turn off the light for having a shit video quality they are waiting just the signal for start the show
  13. i bet on a traditionnal boring massage show, it's strange to see olya and kim in the milena bedroom with her
  14. je suis quasiment sûr qu'ils vont trouver quelque chose sur ton cerveau bref plaisanterie mise à part faudrait que je le fasse aussi ce test et surtout j'aimerais faire un scanner pour les poumons mais la question c'est quand, le temps que je me decide quoi
  15. depuis que j'ai été malade en mars avril comme tu le sais j'ai toujours eu les sinus qui sont rester bouchés et une toux persistante, faudrait que j'aille me faire tester aussi mais bon par chez moi c'est pas très simple mais je pense plus à une allergie qui perdure mais bon si tu es négatif c'est le principale.
  16. oui surement ils ont pas préciser c'était juste écrit sur BFM bars et discothèques fermés à Barcelone
  17. it was the risk when you reopen your borders for the tourists but it was previsible specially on a big city like Barcelona but on the other side the country need the tourism for live, it's a hard equation to find it's not simple
  18. here in France they never reopened the clubs since the pandemic started, still closed this summer
  19. this is what they are saying on the TV news here in France few minutes ago but you know they say bullshit too sometimes
  20. i was never attracted by this girl i don't like her face and it's not because she have big boobs than it's save her, every time i see her on the cameras i switch to another room i can't stand her it's physical
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