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Everything posted by zone51

  1. i know you like the stats, what is the girl stayed the most days during only one visit?
  2. give the function to carla and yanai to be manager for RLC for open new apartments in Barcelona with local spanish couples and why not search local girls too for B4 and co...this is how i see the future of rlc
  3. yes, don't need to go very far for have some good candidates (girls and couples)
  4. the problem is simple to solve, bring spanish girls in the barcelona apartments if i was the boss of rlc this is what i would do
  5. like i said many times it's easy just need to replace them by local spanish girls and couples during this pandemic situation and the ukrainian girls can return in their country it's a easy solution for rlc
  6. so no excuse anymore for rlc, time to refresh the full casting in the B apartments with local girls
  7. well they have the possibility to return in ukraine if they want, it's just rlc is too lazy for search a replacement of them with local spanish girls and couples
  8. i know but for the other girls there is no plane from spain to ukraine?
  9. Ginger packed too the other day but she is still here so you know i prefer stay prudent
  10. they can do the same thing in their countries if their mind are not anymore in the project it's a waste of time now to keep them here they share nothing with the other rlc tenants now
  11. easy money and rlc is too lazy for find new couples (local couples) for replace them
  12. and i imagine bonnie and rama are not here too they make their life on their side now alone
  13. not enough drunk for remove the cover and be loud 🙂
  14. if she heard you ask her to fuck with the light on 😁
  15. we know too much the song with them now, i am waiting a new casting for the B apartments i stay behind the free cams for the moment till the things stay like this
  16. blowjob only this is the maximum you will see , this is their limit for a threesome
  17. irma on vacation till 26 july it's too short 😁
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