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Everything posted by zone51

  1. this is in this type of moment you can see there is not much interesting things to watch on RLC right now, we are on a point to waiting the return of a guest couple, that say alot
  2. thanks but for this summer i prefer stay in France because of the covid situation it's more simple
  3. i love walking in the nature and alone, yesterday i walked 4 hours and today two hours but my legs hurts now, i am not sure i am capable to go for a long hike trip for a week or more i am in the reflexion for the moment i will see...
  4. i think i am going to do a long hike trip alone for visit better my department during a week or more but the problem is i am not 100 % sure of my physical condition and i need to buy equipment, i need to check my bank first 😁
  5. i had not planned to go on vacation this summer but i think i will change my plan now
  6. i don't know she is not really new on rlc, i think much of us saw already everything with her now i try to search but no apartments interest me on rlc for the moment, i watched only this one
  7. the only thing i am waiting is rlc open a new apartment with this guest couple, rlc if you read this post by accident..........
  8. just for the week-end or the guest couple will return after?
  9. if you understand their language don't miss to tell us the situation
  10. maybe carla/yanai go in vacation and this guest couple will stay here and move in the master room it's my hope
  11. if they go in vacation i hope there will have a guest couple as replacement during this period because rlc without this apartment is not the same
  12. with what i heard from the kitchen she speak italian
  13. she is already back 😄, a good kiss and a good fuck later for finish well the day
  14. i expected nothing more from you, don't be surprised if there is this club after this type of comment you are one of this troll in the public forum of VH in the same category of Amy3, have fun and continue to pollute the forum it's my last word with you , +1 ignore list bye
  15. it's not a question of superiority or things like this, this club was created for find some peace nothing more i will return on the public forum of VH when the serenity will be back but for the moment it's not again the case there is some clean to do first
  16. the cops will be called soon with this loud music in the kitchen with the door open 🙂
  17. Bonnie and Rama are out of competition, they are just waiting the rlc signal when they can take the first plane for return in ukraine
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