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  1. The conclusion of this apartment. Julio plays the trombone in briefs every night. Poor neighbours. Poor us. :D
  2. Remind me to never fuck with Eva, she will kick your head off :D
  3. I think she is mad at him because he didn't take out the trash, but even after she's mad. But yes, it will probably take 1-2 weeks before she forget about his mistake.
  4. The guy in Neia, Nicoles and Gina took a dump, wiped his ass, looked at the paper and wiped again. Didn't wash his hands. Fresh!
  5. I would love to see Stefan come home unexpectedly when they fuck. Would be interesting!
  6. Tonight there will be action. Toyboy, a bucket of fried chicken and a bottle of wine. Yeah!!
  7. What is true is that Leora never ventilate very often. Damn she is talking with her friend!! Her friend cant even get a a "da" in the air :)
  8. I'm pretty sure they don't know which site they are "working" for, and they are probably banned from the site as well. However they could use their mobile phones, but a wild guess is that the whole city they live in are banned, for their own protection.
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