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Posts posted by At7

  1. 17 hours ago, groomy said:

    I agree.👍

    The only thing Z&B apt - was killed by subscribers. Complaint = fine = bankrupt. Doing nothing (or inviting Leony/Jade) is more profitable. Miracles do not happen. 4/5 girls - will be unhappy with cameras. Incidents are inevitable. Perhaps they will invite participants - but I doubt it. Selma 50/50 - I will bet that she will not appear more in project (quarrel with Z&B). Ruby - now can ignore offers to come for visit in Z&B. Maybe - Blonde will be able to introduce another one or two girls, like Leony, whom he fucks outside apt. But there are no guarantees.:confused:

    What about other active (non-vanilla) apt - Spartak&Alice is most active now. But there is certain circle of Spartak&Alice’s friends. Not random people. V&G - hot, but we have already seen everything. Only guests and orgies are interesting. Lexy - I honestly do not understand such interest. They are pretty boring. English? When did they invite new people? Month ago? Or two? And it came out - failure. Without incident with cameras. But failure (guests ran away). Polina? How she differ from Pablo guests?:biggrin:

    Selma has a quarrel with zack and blonde? What was it about?

  2. 12 minutes ago, alt0na_O7 said:

    if i've previously addressed you as "he" this is with google translate reason. 🙂
    sometimes I write without distinction between men and women.

    Is this the reason why you chose this nickname because of a tank model in WorldOfTanks?

    That’s the name of a tank model? Lol I had no idea! I just chose the name for due to a lack of creativity lol! And no, you have never referred to me as “he” ✌️

    • Like 5
  3. 3 hours ago, letsdothis said:

    For an EXCELLENT representation of different types of pussy, check
    out @henriPas' topic,


    I know it's called, Les anus des filles (Anal girls), but there is one
    HELL of a lot of pussy in there!

    @Amy3 this is for you, too. And, anyone else who likes pussy, of
    course. :angel: 😊 Enjoy.

    Thank you, interesting how there are so many different looking ones lol. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

    Crazy that women like this tend to be self conscious about it and think they are abnormal. Often they resort to have surgery to make it less meaty. It's a shme cause I can tell you that it actually feels amazing like this. Just think about it and it makes perfect sense. Plus, can you just imagine lathering all that up and rub rub rub! OMG! My eyes are twiching just thinking about that. 

    To be honest, I don’t really care for the way her pussy looks. But, I appreciate the fact that there are other people out there who do like it. To each their own!!!!! 😘

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Amy3 said:

    Thank you! ❤️

    OMG!!!!! Another real female voyeur. 😍😍😍 Well, At7, doesn't particularly scream, I'm a woman!!!! Lol Probably 99% of the people here are guys. Go figure! 😁

    So, do you have a brainy looking pussy? 🤣😂🤣 

    Omg lol no my pussy is not brainy looking st all! I had to do a double take when I saw hers. I’ve never seen one like that before. Didn’t even know a pussy could look that way though I know there are different types.  Lol!!!

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

    Yep, I do. There was a time in my life where I considered transitioning. It's kind of a long story, but the easy way to say it is this. I started taking supplements to feminize myself. Actually to start growing breasts and what happened was that I became impotent and practically lost all of my sex drive. I was miserable and was not happy at all. What good is becoming a woman if I can't feel anything? So, I quit and reconsiled myself to my fate in this body. It's all good, I can experience both worlds to some extent. The biggest issue is that I'm married to a woman and so I no longer have a way to be with other people. I made a promise and intend to keep it. Sex to me is so much more a fantasy and I like being able to fantasise about what it would be like to be a woman. That's enough for me to keep going. I suppose I could be considered a crossdresser, but the thing is that I am always Amy inside of my head. Crossdressers usually snap out of it after they get off, I don't. I'm always Amy. I almost always default to a woman's point of view and thinking. I shave, I get pedicures and paint my toenails, I've probably bought more women's clothes in my life then men's clothes, I have a purple Galaxy s9+. It's endless the girly things that I do. But, it's all because of this body I was given. I realized when I was 12 that I could pull off looking like a girl. It never ended. If there is an afterlife then I'm hoping to make up for it then. Hope you can understand all that. ❤️

    Warning! Graphic pics ahead. I posted like 3 of them. 


    I agree, thank you for sharing your story Amy. And, nice ass....I’m a straight chick....someone was was referring to me as a “he” in a previous post which doesn’t really matter....Lol...but I Was wondering the same thing about what exactly you had too. 

    • Like 3
  7. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    Selma already worked here and zack already was with her (jade)... it's business.. with jade may be different (at least for her)
    don't forget there is also a third guy here 

    Wondering how many houses of zack will advertise selma today

    I know, I remember her with zack and then with him and blonde together. I like her with them. But, I’m sure jade won’t be happy because she wants to be with Zack in a relationship. And of course I feel bad for her in that aspect. But really, falling for a guy in this type of business this young, he won’t be faithful. Wouldn’t expect him to be. I guess, as long as jade doesn’t mind....don’t know if that is the case though 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    She was suppose to be at her house fucking that big guy that fuck some of zack workers.. but the boss must have changed the plans.. Called Selma to work here and the guy stay at her house 

    Oh boy! It is super hot and way more entertaining....but....jade won’t be happy.  I think if all they care about is money, Selma should move in and fuck both zack and blonde . They would make a fortune if they wanted. But if Zach cares about jade, he will stop and get it together. Selfishly, I like seeing them with Selma. But I also feel bad for jade. She seems quite sweet 

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