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Everything posted by JYBRD

  1. She does a "workshop" on Mondays/Tuesdays. Looking to better herself. Get a good job.
  2. She does ride. Not as much as him. Then they have the dogs. They had a pair of rats a while ago. They both obviously like animals.
  3. Well at least we got to see something. They didnt sneak off somewhere and try to hide it. They didnt appear drunk either.
  4. I have seen them recently lying on the couch together watching tv.
  5. Alberto often goes out on his bike on Saturday if thats any help.
  6. I think we only get to see and hear what they want us to see and hear. I figure that why they go out on the balcony or into one of the bathrooms and close the door. No Cams/Mics.
  7. Martina came in limping a bit some time back after last rollerblading outing. Hopefully she wears knee pads when shes blading.
  8. If its any consolation my friend Alberto seems to be handling all this quite well. Strange dont you think? Maybe he know s something we dont.
  9. Dont expect much of a response from Alberto. I do think its sad though that two people have to get tanked first before much happens.
  10. Do they have a car? Youd think Alberto would have given her a ride if they do.
  11. i read about it over in the B4 forum. Maybe its somewhere else.
  12. This spat didnt seem nearly as serious as the the one they had about a week ago now. That one had a profound effect on Martina. One thing I have noticed about their spats is that they dont stay upset with one another for very long. Ill take that as a good sign.
  13. I can tell you its not unusual for them to have food delivered. They have it delivered quite often.
  14. She started that a couple of weeks ago, Dont think it was for Nelly or any of the other girls. Never did look much like a guest room. More like a storage room. The bed in it is very small. Perhaps she wanted to change its appearance.
  15. Some of us have been wondering for years whats out there.
  16. If it will make you feel better the only ones Ive seen sleeping in the spare room is her brother and his girlfriend and the thin girl with the glasses.
  17. This apt.has had ISP issues in the past. Hopefully thats all it is. If its not that then maybe something to do with the spare room. Theyve been gradually clearing stuff out of there putting some of the stuff under the bed mattress.
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