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Posts posted by JYBRD

  1. 30 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    It's impossible to read everything posted. We do our best to get most of it, so some things rely on reports been made.

    Most posters know what's to be there and what's not.

    Hi ha hagut molta discussió aquí sobre la vida fora de la càmera de Martinas en particular.

  2. 6 minutes ago, bobknob said:

    It was not my intention to be brutal, but I admit that I am disappointed to hear about their financial situation. I thought that Martina would have been more responsible than this. Must be the most shocking revelation of the last few weeks


    Tots dos tenen molt per créixer. Malauradament, no crec que ho facin aquí.

  3. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:

    if this is the case , then it’s even more disappointing that Juliette is considered to be asked to move in ( clearly a move for the apartment to be watchable ) , which then shows that she’s a girl being used ( however I truly believe she likes Alberto ) . 

    The problem is that in the subconscious of the viewers , the last 6,5 years , this apartment considered to be the place that Martina “ built “ her legacy , it will be difficult for the viewer to accept watching another girl ( personally I find Juliette really cool and a like her a lot bit of course she’s not Martina but we can discover her personality and character ) , so , this apartment will need to change also lots of direction ( become more social like when Alberto invited people he knew , the sister of Juliette and so on ) which I don’t know if it is going to happen .


    In any case , I don’t think it is fair that there’s a current heat towards Alberto , we should not forget that Martina isn’t any angel and in my eyes , her chances to continue with the girlfriend that she has , it is not even 10% ( you don’t get fucked like you missed it and wanted very much from your - whatever - ex boyfriend when you say that you love your current relationship ) and this also raises then the issue how she’s gonna handle the future ( it has been mentioned that Martina’s girlfriend has no money issues or let’s say she can manage with comfort financially ) .. 


    In any case , what it is important is for these two to FINALLY abandon the cameras . This will be their salvation and leave this behind once and for all . We thank them for the memories , moments and sharing but LIFE MOVES ON for everyone . The more the delay , the more the consequences ( as we saw yesterday .. ) . Let’s see how it goes . 


    Estic pensant que potser Martina estarà bé, però no estic tan segur d'Alberto. Sembla que s'ha ficat en un altre lligam i necessita rescatar-lo.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 hour ago, mingo said:

    Los he estado observando desde el día que se mudaron a este departamento y con el paso de los años su relación con Martina cambió. Yo veía a Alberto nada más que como el ama de llaves de Martina. Recuerdo los días en que no iba a la escuela ni al trabajo. Me alegra mucho ver que ha cambiado su vida y ha encontrado una chica a la que le gusta estar con él. Le deseo lo mejor.


    Crec que tots dos van aconseguir el que volien de la relació. La llibertat d'anar i venir. Anar i venir, ho feien en direccions separades la major part del temps.

  5. 6 hours ago, alablastur said:

    Martina must be very stupid or stone cold to put up with this situation.  I thought she would have better understanding on how negative this whole bussiness is for her right now.  It is like Alberto is enjoying her humilation so sad.

    Pot ser que no tingui cap opció en el tema.

  6. 2 hours ago, blue is the colour said:

    It's almost as if he wants to rub it in Martina's face for what happened between them when she made known her sexual preferences


    Tinc la mateixa impressió. És com si intentés demostrar alguna cosa a algú. Entre la seva feina i la noia, l'infern estarà bastant desgastat molt aviat.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 57 minutes ago, Howard said:

    RLC does things stupid. They let Maya and Stephan live a sexless life on cam for 9 months (allowing the viewers to be deceived).   Same to a lesser extent with Tobor and those amazing mammories. 


    No és estúpid, no ho pensaria. Els diners vénen d'algun lloc per pagar el lloguer de tots els apartaments.

  8. 1 hour ago, 1962Starfire said:

    One thing I find curious......why did Alberto bring the girls to his and Martina's apartment probably knowing Martina would be there? Why not go to the girls' place, unless, of course, they still live with parents, or in a dorm, or have 3 roommates. Maybe Alberto was just thinking with his "other head" and some alcohol at the time......lol.
    Then there is the sad possibility that Martina doesn't care any longer what he does. She is just his roommate now.


  9. 2 hours ago, darkman said:

    CREO que alberto habia quedado para el fin de semana con las dos chicas del otro dia , las dos hermanas , martina se acaba de asegurar que no va ha pasar nada , con este rapido en el pasillo .

    CREO que alberto habia quedado para el fin de semana con las dos chicas del otro dia , las dos hermanas , martina se acaba de asegurar que no va ha pasar nada , con este rapido en el pasillo

    • Confused 2
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