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Posts posted by JYBRD

  1. 1 hour ago, 1962Starfire said:

    I totally agree with your theories. No one knows EXACTLY what is going on with this couple except Martina and Alberto. They still behave like a "couple" because that's what they have been all these years. The lack of sex is PROBABLY due to Martina's APPARENT desire for the female anatomy more than the male, right now. Not sure if Alberto accepts that yet but he obviously still wants to remain close to Martina. I do think they love and care for each other but, PERHAPS no longer in a romantic way. We will all have to wait and see what happens. I wish them only good.


    Crec que trobareu que el que hem estat testimoni dels últims mesos té molt més a veure amb els diners que amb qualsevol altra cosa.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

    I've got a theory.  Just THEORIES mind you.  What IF... nothing is changing?  What IF... they haven't broken up, she's not leaving, he's not leaving, and GF4 is/was just a side piece like Nelly?  Alberto has just been witnessed naked with naked Martina in the shower, sleeping naked in the same bed, and kissing Martina.. on the cheek, but regardless, atypical of a couple who has "broken up".  No packing even started or even planning to be started as it appears.  Only thing that doesn't track is they're sex life has completely dropped to zero.  That's the only thing I see lending to a break-up or her being "done" with him and moving on.  I realize fully that these THEORIES are far and beyond smacking a hornets nest with a stick here... they're in league with knocking it down and giving it a swift kick, but there they are.  Let loose the retaliation, but keep in mind, I don't state these opinions as facts, just observations and theories.


    Poden passar moltes coses un cop abandonen el projecte. Sé que aquests dos tenen una llarga història. No veig que perdin el contacte del tot. Encara tenen una corbata.Taco.

  3. 46 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

    Martina is on a trip with her girlfriend apparently, she took off last week sometime with some luggage. Alberto gets his new house keys on the 27th of this month so don't be surprised to see the M&A apartment close if Alberto moves into his new home he has a mortgage on. 


    La Martina ja ha tornat d'aquell viatge. Aquesta nit ha sortit a algun lloc amb Taco.

  4. 2 hours ago, Moosecini said:

    I also doubt GF4 would "lower" her standards to live in this apartment.  Given her presumed education and occupation, she likely makes really good money and has a very nice place of her own.  Why would she ditch that to live here??

    Bons punts. Jo també em preguntava com era de gran amb compartir. Crec que això és una cosa que Alberto ha tingut a veure amb la Martina.

  5. 20 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    They were marine fish...likely dead now.  Unless he managed to get them back to a tank in the store where he buys them or into the ocean (where they are not likely to survive anyway...too cold)

    Va empaquetar alguna cosa de la peixera a la motxilla i es va enlairar amb la seva bicicleta

  6. 2 hours ago, 1962Starfire said:

    My first posting here, since I just discovered this site. I've been a fan of these two for a couple of years now and am saddened by what is (apparently) happening to them. They've made a great couple together....truly caring for each other, in my opinion, with deep emotions there. It seems lately that "life" is getting in the way of their feelings for each other.....Alberto's job, his house purchase problems.....Martina's classes, her job, and her (apparent) relationship with another female. Again, just my opinion, but it just seems they are confused, deeply conflicted and angry, but not with each other. I believe the feelings still run deep (dare I say the word "love"?) in the midst of all that is going on in their lives, but they are needlessly shutting each other out when they should be depending on each other. 
    Many couples go through periods like this. Some work through it, some do not. I believe there is still hope for Martina and Alberto in the future. Martina's relationship with the female may only be for the sex and Alberto may come to terms with that, if he hasn't already. The rest will pass eventually and life will calm down for them.
    I want to picture them living happily ever after in Alberto's little house with Taco and maybe a few kids. (I think Martina would be a wonderful mother.) But that's just the romantic in me and I like to look at the bright side of things.


    Benvingut! Sembla poc probable si em puc creure el que he estat llegint aquí darrerament.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Adalbert said:

    I think are mostly right, but Martina doesn't plan to move in with GF4 she wants to have her freedom so currenty the plan is that she moves in an appartment from/with a classmate of her, but we cannot be sure about that.


    ¿Me he perdido algo a lo largo de los años? La Martina que he conocido va y viene cuando quiere con quien quiere. ¿Cuánta más libertad necesita?

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