There's nothing wrong with relationships being open, but only if both people are on board with it. One doing it to please the other is not the right way to go with it.
I believe Costa is correct, we're not allowed to post links to resident's social media profiles on here - although that's not to say we can't send links in DMs. Hence the thread for links asking for Linda's Only Fans profile.
Unless Leora wants to be a stay-at-home partner, I'd be interested to know what she puts down on her resume for the 10 years shes been in there to explain work.
Looks like a lot more packing has been done - although oddly not in T's office.
Lots of boxes in the hallway, whilst all of the living room items are now packed away. Think this could be it.
I know this because I have eyes?
Do any of the locations have guests who actually have a social/working life outside? You have peope like Paul and Tibor who have jobs where they work from home mostly, but practically everyone else does nothing. I can understand doing the experiement for a little while to earn money and then leave, but being within the confines of those walls for nearly 10 years is not healthy, in my opinion.