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Everything posted by BlackLeone

  1. How? Sometimes, the videos on hotscopes have a download button, but not always... 😕
  2. Sorry to be late to the party, but could someone reupload this one please? Thank you in advance! Also, sad that they left... Would hope their most recent guests will take over at some point!
  3. Awesome, mate! Thanks a lot. Mila is the only one from this appartment that I know and recognize, so that's ok 😉
  4. Would it be possible for this appartment to add the names of the girls in each post? I have no idea who is who... Awesome screengrabs though, thanks for that!
  5. Am I the only one who is absolutely bored with Leora? I mean, there's literally nothing new with her, ever. It's just masturbating on a daily basis. I've seen it, I've seen it again and again and again. I'm actually starting to prefer the women we almost never see naked because it's just a bigger pleasure when they actually do show us something. But there are absolutely no surprises with Leora..
  6. Best ass in the history of the world! 😮 Do you have a video of that?
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :'-( For god's sake. Good thing I wanted to pay for RLC until after my exams (last one tomorrow). So not paying after all then... Just sucks I'll never have seen more of Erin than that 1 time a few weeks ago she visited B1 for a (kind of lame) party.. Not that I wanted to see her have sex or masturbate or anything. Just wanted to see more of her.. Anyways, I'll just pray she comes back soon..
  8. Tired? How can she be tired if she doesn't do a fucking thing ever.
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