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Xarvaz last won the day on July 21 2020

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  1. yup but I think they know the way to the villa now
  2. Sara should get some more credit here, especially for the way she keeps the gutters clean and the containers empty 🙄
  3. I also started with that tandy, I got a robot with it... expensive ouch
  4. I can't confirm it, I got an email with a translation that she's going to live with Mass outside RLC, she's supposed to have said this to Svetlana, I don't know anything else about it and I don't have a replay to check anymore
  5. agreed, I saw Mrs. Weeping Willow languishing away behind her laptop in passing, but where is Kat, she should be back (staying away is also allowed..), Sara isn't really doing anything wrong at the moment, but I understand she's leaving for Mass.
  6. stop crying about Karma, I've already made it clear that I'm sick of them and I don't watch them
  7. they can live in a palace with 100 orcs as staff as long as there are no cameras and I don't have to see them
  8. Karma loves her fans 🤣 (the one she still has at least)
  9. Barbie and Ken left with a lot of stuff, another holiday?
  10. This doesn't only happen with her boyfriend, there are more boyfriends who come to see how their source of money and investment is doing and then quickly leave again.
  11. makes it clear once again how low Karma can go. Let her deal with her own problems, she can't even stand in the shadow of that other emo
  12. I get the feeling this guy doesn't know how to handle Zabava, he's way too busy and selfish
  13. a while ago there were two boys having sex in Sara's bathroom.. top cam and top replay .. Sara and Daytona were playing and this was also topcam, Daytona in the shower ... topcam within a minute, I'm sure that if Daytona and Sara had real sex RLC would explode. what people say here is clearly not what they do and think
  14. proof that acceptance in this modern world is still far away, who are we going to exclude next ? viewers want to see real life but apparently not completely
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