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Everything posted by Kingbanks

  1. They might be talking to them about constantly covering the cameras
  2. It's like they are switching days of who's going to be at the apartment 😂
  3. I dont know about y'all but I know what I am watching tomorrow UFC 251!!! Come on jorge masvidal you got this it's your time
  4. They can't compete with VHTV they have too many apartment's and alot (way more) action
  5. Why is b5 the only apartment without a free camera are they more popular or something?
  6. So what is harley talking about Or is he still talking about last night
  7. I still think they should get rid of all these girls and bring new one's that could probably help rlc But we know that's not going to happen 🤷‍♂️
  8. Kylie&rus has 6 free camera's 😂 They should just make the entire apartment free😂 Rlc is really desperate to get viewership 😂
  9. The only people who are in a relationship on vacation is kylie&rus alexandra&lucian bonnie&rama nelly&borgan Elettra& her guy And delusional gina with curly Everyone else is free for all
  10. They probably recorded them selves and now they are watching it back
  11. Maybe curly and her friends have a chance with kim & diane now 😂 Since rlc is desperate for viewership 😂
  12. They wont show up without gina But they may come next weekend it's too crowded with nelly&borgan and alexandra&lucian and you know they are going to stay until the weekend is over and it hasn't even started yet
  13. Okay Also it seems everyone has a free camera except b5 🤔 Rlc must be really struggling to get viewers
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